Ideas about new class/faction

I had some ideas about new classes and factions. To be honest most of the things will probably an option when finally Gaijin decides to split the Axis and Allies (maybe also Soviets) into their members/puppet governments. For example the Axis into Italy and Germany (and possibly other) and Allies into America, Great Britain (and it’s dominions).

1.My ideas for additional factions:

The Balkans - Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia, Greece (maybe Bulgaria, but it wasn’t very active in the war before the communist overthrow in '44 except the occupation of Yugoslavia) and their communist counterparts after the soviet’s “liberations” so they would be split between the Soviets, Allies and Axis.

France - Split between Free France (Allies) and Vichy France (Axis)

Poland (spit between exiles to Allies and Soviets)

There are opportunities for event squads like from Brazil (Allies), Slovakia (Axis), Croatia (Axis) and maybe even Norway (Allies and Axis) and the Baltics (Allies and Soviets).

I understand that some of them would be classified as expeditionary forces which would be very cool to see. For example (for the Axis) :
Whermacht - Wehrmacht foreign volunteers and conscripts - Wikipedia
(Blue Division - Wikipedia))
(Blue Legion
(Armenian Legion - Wikipedia)
(Azerbaijani Legion)
(Georgian Legion)
(Russian Liberation Army)
(Ukrainian Liberation Army)
(Legion Freies Arabien)
Whermacht - Croatia
(369th (Croatian) Infantry Division)
(373rd (Croatian) Infantry Division)
(392nd (Croatian) Infantry Division)
Waffen-SS - Waffen-SS foreign volunteers and conscripts - Wikipedia
Also I found this weird regiment - Waffen Grenadier Regiment of the SS (1st Bulgarian) - Wikipedia

There are also many examples for the allies - Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force - Wikipedia

2.My ideas about new classes
Partisans - It’s a good addition to the examples above. They would have civilian and military customizations. They can’t spawn in formal rallypoints but on the edges of the map without the grey zone. They have a very rich assortment of enemy and allied equipment unique only to this squad. I think that for balance it would be better to randomize their equipment depending on the BR they’re fighting in (something like the paratrooper’s equipment).
For the Allies and Soviets - normal partisan groups (enemy and allied equipment) and for the Axis and Soviets militias (allied equipment) like the Black Shirts (Italy) and Volkssturm (Germany) (Already exists it the game but no civilian customization or uniforms which is definitely strange).

Allies could get premium/event squad as well. For example with introduction of battle of Monte casino map.

Once the polish VO would be in game, it would be missed opportunity to not make polish allied squad.

(Btw. Saying about Poland that it is spit between germany and soviets is quite ballsy statement xD I guess you meant split)

Yugoslavia doesnt work. In fact, only Romania and Hungary work to some extent as subfaction. Otherwise, they all mostly relied on German, British or French stuff or their weapons are already ingame.

Dumb. Would lead to spawmcamping and dumb situations like German partisans flanking GIs on D-Day beach.


meh. It’s not needed.


if you mean sub -faction same que ok, but separate faction separate que no that is why the merge happened.
even then sub-factions would require a massive increase in equipment to fill BR 1 through 5

an also no partisans no spawn camping but random spawning inside your own area, as in true random even you do not know where you will spawn

Partisans is the dumbest idea i have ever heard.
There were no french partisans in omaha beach
There were no russian partisans in berlin
There were no british or italian partisans in the middle of the goddamn north african deserts.
There were no partisans in remote tiny pacific islands
Italian and french resistance was nothing but a fuss.
They created the myth of “glorious resistance” since they capitulated very fast against germans and tried to save their national pride in post war period.
Soviet partisans were never effective outside of commie propoganda.
Only significant partisan movements that achieved something were chinese and yugoslavs.
Axis were defeated with hordes of t34s, b 29s and allied armies at the end of the day. Not by some il equipped guerillas.


I would Love to see Italy and UK as their own Factions. It would open up a wide variety of new Maps and Scenarios.

If this happens we would have the main 6 players of the war.

America, Britain & Russia


Germany, Japan & Italy

I also think its an excelent idea to introduce more squads from minor nations within the main 6 factions.

For example allies could have Squads like:
Under the US Tech Tree:
La Nueve(Spanish Volunteers)
Brazilian Expeditionary Force
1st Filipino Infantry Regiment
Maquis(French Resistance)

Indian Volunteers
Czechs(Government in Exile)


The Axis:

Spanish Blue Division
Free Arabian Legion
Ukrainian Liberation Army

Romanian Iron Guard

Thai Royal Army

Making these smaller factions independant may be a daunting task. And it may not be possible to fill all BRs with Weapons and Vehicles with out either Copy Paste or many paper designs. I know that people will say this is also true for Britain and Italy but its simply not true, I implore you to peruse the posts made by the community for Independant Britain and Italy

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