Add Police/Partisan(Spy?) units

For each campaign, there can be a certain matchup.( including potentially future factions)

Ukraine’s Ukrayins’ka Povstans’ka Armiya or Polish Partisans vs. Polizei
Filipino Partisans vs. Japanese MPs
Greek Partisans vs. Italian Coast Guard
South African Boers vs. British Constables
French Partisans vs. German Werwolfs

Equipment examples:

Piano wire
foot traps
blyskavka smg
skoda gun
liberator pistol
bamboo spears
sticky bombs
silenced weapons

billy club
Police Model Revolvers
Enfield shotgun conversion
man-catcher (sasumata)
pistol carbines

here is a side suggestion:
If they were to add a new game mode, the police have to kill and capture a certain amount of partisans who are able to be detained when in the wounded state. The partisans win by sabotaging an objective and killing police. It is up to the community and devs whether the soldiers should be standalone units or use the soldiers we use for conventional war which get reskinned temporarily in this game mode.

It would be cool to have the option of using partisan/police units with special equipment in war working in cooperation with the military as that did happen.

These units are rarely if ever represented in other games. I believe it fits in with enlisted because it already has rare and unique equipment.





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An interesting mechanic would be if you capture a prisoner , it is converted to a soldier reinforcement for your team.

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Funny troll post about a mode nobody would really want to play… you’d have more fun playing grand theft autoat this point. (Enlisted is a war game, doubt anyone is here looking to play cat and mouse :laughing:)

Its a potential side game mode that goes with a new unit type , not a troll post. Other war games do this. Ex- Star Wars battlefront 2 , Counter Strike, bf1

People play them so i do not see how they would not play them here. At least this would be unique , most WWII games do not let you do this, and this equipment is usually not featured. This gives players an opportunity to play as something they would not be able to in other games. I believe it fits in with the game perfectly since it already features many weapons not usually included in other games. If they add these experimental and rarely issued weapons why not add equipment commonly issued/made for police/partisans?

But what if captured prisoner refuses to join/convert? Could there be an option to place him on electric chair or send him in gas chamber?


lol that would be funny but I meant that the game just adds a +1 life to your pool of soldiers. This wouldn’t be spammable because you would have to wound them ,take out the shackles and do the shackle animation without getting killed.

Could we rob nazi gold reserves in vaults? Then roll in a crazy escape at 40km/h throughout the city in an old volkswagen?


Very interesting, what do you smoke?

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I’m wondering the same thing

Something along the lines happened for real:

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Well, I love such topics, I wonder what will happen next?Star wars?

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That could be one of the missions! Wonderful Idea :slight_smile:

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Can we steal the royal tiger and capture Rome alone?

And then win back the moon?