New Faction British Commonwealth and The Free French


Well I think the British must leave the US faction and join with the French in the new faction and to be removed from the Pacific. Why with the French simple reason they fought together and the French will cover the lack of semi automatic weapons in the British tech tree + early war thanks. To be honest together they can be very strong and very diverce faction. There can be added 2 new campaigns just for this faction Battle of Hong Kong against Japan and Battle of France against Germany and they will be also be in Normandy , Tunisia and Battle of the Bulge together with the Americans. Here a possible tech tree:
La Victoire

I. Small Arms:

1. SMGs:

-Sten MK II

-BSA Model 1929 Thompson:
BSA Model 1929 Thompson

-Sten mark V:

Lanchester 32

-STA 1924:


-Lanchester 50 round mag:

-Owen MK 1:

-Sterling submachine gun 50 round:

-Thompson M1921AC 50 round:


-Hotchkiss M1922 machine gun 20 rounds:
Hotchkiss M1922 machine gun 20 rounds
-FM 24/29:


-Bren MK I
-Bren MK II
Bren MK I
-Lewis gun 47 mag:
-Lewis gun 47 mag

-M1922 Darne MG:
M1922 Darne MG
-Lewis Gun 97 mag:
Lewis Gun 97 mag

-Vickers K 100 round mag:
Vickers K


-Berthier rifle:

-Fusil M1907/15 M34:

-Fusil M1907/15 M34 Sniper:

-Enfield P14
-Eniper Enfield P14

BR 2:
-Lebel MLE 1886:

-Lebel MLE 1886 with VB rifle grenade:

-Lebel Mle 1886 à Lunette sniper rifle:
Lebel Mle 1886 à Lunette sniper rifle
-MAS-36 sniper:
MAS-36 sniper

BR 3:
-Fusil Automatique Modèle 1917 (RSC Modele 1918):

-SMLE MK III with grenade launcher:
SMLE MK III with granade launcher
-Lee-Enfield No.4
-Lee-Enfield No.4 MK I sniper

-MAS 44:

-MAS 44 Sniper Rifle:
MAS 44 Sniper Rifle
-Winchester Model 1907 with 20 rounds mag:
Winchester Model 1907

1.Ribeyrolles 1918 automatic carbine:
Ribeyrolles 1918 automatic carbine
2.Charlton automatic rifle

  1. Flamethrower ,Mortars and Anti tank weapons:
  • Marsden Flamethrower

-Flamethrower, Portable, No 2:
Flamethrower, Portable, No 2

-Boys anti tank rifle:

-Northover Projector:


  • Two-inch mortar:
    Two-inch mortar

-Lance Grenades de 50 mm modèle 37

-Ordnance ML 3-inch mortar:
3 inch mortar

5.Infantry Vehicles:

  • Raider Squad with:
    Matchless 8B2M motorcycle:

-Bedford OXD:


1.R.35 (SA38)



4.A13 Mk II

5.Daimler Mk II

6.Staghound AA

7.Crusader Mk.II

8.Char de bataille B1 bis

9.Crusader III

10.Valentine I

11.AEC Mk II

12.British Valentine Mark XI

13.Cromwell V


15.Churchill NA75



17.Churchill VII

18.Sherman Firefly


20.Comet I


21.Black Prince:


Planes III:

BR 1:
1.Gladiator Mk II

2.Hurricane Mk IV


4.Hurricane Mk IIB/Trop

BR 2:

6.Potez 630

5.Dewoitine D.520

7.Spitfire Mk IIb

BR 3:
8.Beaufighter Mk X

9.Sea Hurricane Mk IC:

10.Tempest Mk V (Vickers P):

11.Spitfire Mk Vb:

BR 4:
12.Mosquito FB Mk VI

13.Firefly FR Mk V

14.Spitfire F Mk IX

BR 5:
15.Whirlwind Mk I

16.Seafire LF Mk.III and Seafire LF Mk.III

17.Sea Fury FB 11

18.Tempest Mk V:

Later i will post possible replacement for the US and GE equipment that they will lose if such faction is added.
Such faction will bring a lot of diversity to the game and control so we wont be looking at some strange divisions in the pacific same way adding Italy will stop some Italian soldiers to be in Berlin.

There will be also new US changes to replace the equipment loss:

United Defense M42 will be added to BR 3:

Ithaca Model 37 will be added to BR 3:

M1A1 Thompson will be moved to BR 3:

Winchester Model 1897 Trench Gun BR 4:

-BAR model 1918 will be moved to BR 2:

-New LMG will be added to US Hotchkiss M1909 Benét–Mercié machine gun BR 2:
Hotchkiss M1909 Benét–Mercié machine gun

-M1919 Browning machine gun will be moved to BR 4:

-New LMG will be added to BR 5 AN/M2 Stinger:

  1. Rifles:
    -New Rifle Winchester Model 70 BR 3:

    -New Rifle Remington Model 8 BR 3:

4.Anti - Tank weapons and Mortars:
-New M18 recoilless rifle BR 2:

-New M1 mortar :

5.Tank Changes:
-LVT(A)(4) new tank to BR 1:

-M3 GMC New tank to BR 2:

-M18 GMC moved to BR 4:

-M36B1 and M36B2 New Tanks For BR 5:

  1. Planes:
    -New BR 2 plane P-39N-0:

-New BR 3 plane A-36:


Well they are starting tanks I don’t think there must be 76 mm QF 17-pounder cannon before BR 4 in Enlisted its not war thunder :smiley: But they can be put one BR lower and Challenger or Avenger on BR 5. Done one BR lower now better ?

Achilles is quite premium worthy.

But, I never said this. :zipper_mouth_face:

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Did Red Coats use our shotguns?

And our mortars?

Besides those confusing (for me at least) choices, sounds good. Get them filthy Red Coats out of my tree

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Never produced/used in WW2.

Let’s stick to WW2 please .

I think this list is everything France needs

Also France should be just BR 1-2, to never meet long barrel Pz IVs because they’d long surrendered by that time.

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Well actually i forgot the French mortar its good that you have mention it. No they didn’t I messed up the list a bit cuz its too much equipment. I will later post weapons for US to replace their lost equipment :smiley:

Well it can be replaced by Meunier A6 but from gameplay perspective MAS 44 is a better choice. Just like AS 44 there was no AK during world war 2 for sure. And we are not talking about some prototype like AS 44. The MAS 44 was designed before the war and there was prototypes of the weapon and in difference of AS 44 it continued to be produced after the war so if we have some weird weapon that was very limited why not MAS 44 ? Not to mention during the sunder of Japan the MAS 44 was already coming out of the production lines.

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I appreciate the time put into this, I hope we get a whole bunch of this stuff when we get the commonwealth/UK. A lot of it is overtiered though. Example being the SMGs and rifles.

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UK in Pacific is alright for now, as commonwealth troops were on all of the battlefields we have in the Pacific right now via the Aussies and Kiwis. However, it may make sense for the UK to be split off from the US in the future so the US can have a UK-free Okinawa or Iwo Jima map, while the UK can have a US-free Egypt map or something. I also support making France into a subtree of the British in this case, as basically everywhere the Free French forces fought, they were backed up by the British. Also, France makes up for holes in the UK tech tree that need to be filled quite well, namely semi-autos. They have the aformentioned MAS 44 (which should be called the MAS 40 btw, as the two guns are mechanically similar, with the only major distinction being one set was manufactured before the war ended, and the other was), in addition to things like the RSC M1917.


Its too much equipment and I was going to make replacement for the loss equipment for GE and US but I lost so much time making it unbelievable :sweat_smile:

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Colonial forces in southeast East Asia had a few. It’s unclear if they ever used them, but they had them

Well I was not planning to add shotgun to the British simply I had 2 lists one for the UK faction and the other for the US faction with replacement and this one was next to Ithaca I don’t know how it ended in this list :sweat_smile:

Happy accident then. Either way, it works.

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The two-inch mortar is British, Americans had the M1 and M2 mortars

Mm right. That was bothering me in the back of my mind and I knew someone would correct me if I was wrong. Just figured it was something like the “Sherman II” where they renamed our stuff to suit themselves. Plus I didn’t know if the British still used the Imperial system by the time WWII kicked off

Pfft of course “colonial forces” would have shotguns. An uncivilized weapon for an uncivilized practice

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Some of the BR are weird and unnecessary, but those can be changed anyway.
I don’t actually believe that atomizing factions is a solution.

Real man has no need for such trash.

While yes, I am borrowing from the German complaints of WWI, I’m still American. Love that us using shotguns in trenches was so devastatingly effective that the dudes using mustard gas got butthurt bout it