Separate Britain and Italy

It was already said that the devs have no plan to separate Britain and USA.


How’s it feel to be ignored? They still haven’t given me the time of day with one of my questions

How long has it been since they reacted to it like that?

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I don’t know when the screenshot was taken (it is not mine) but they are literally releasing a british premium squad (which will be part of the US) as a preorder for the next major update. I don’t see britain as a standalone faction any time soon…

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Increasing the UK has nothing to do with player count, as you’re really just splitting the existing Western Allies players in half and putting them back in the same place.
The only difference is that some people grind Garand tree and some people grind Enfield tree.


Why even split them then, doesnt really make any sense.

More potential squads, weapons.
Reduce the amount of research required for a single faction.
Provides two different tactical options for participating in the same campaign.
the most important
God Save the King ! :uk: :tada:


So that you can’t use American weapons with British squads (and vice versa) and British weapons aren’t unlocked with American squads the way it is now.
And it also allows for more content to be added into the game, mainly equipment to research, but in the future also new campaigns, mainly the Burma campaign (Brits vs Japanese).

Eh if theres brits & murricans in same game to prevent split dont really see the why add them at all.
If entirely different aka not in same game then it will split the rather sparse player numbers even further

Dont really see why they cant be added to current trees

Grind is still same, arguably alot easier with current faction due to already having competent gear to grind for new stuff

Dont really see how current system would stop you from choosing brit weapons / squads assuming such would exist in adequate numbers

Splitting the UK off from the US does make some degree of sense because there are maps where the British need to ve there and it makes no sense for the Americans to be there (Hong Kong, Singapore, Egypt, etc.) and vise versa ( (Okinawa, Iwo Jima, Guam, etc.). However, the question in this case is is it worth dividing the further for such ends, especially since no maps exist in the game yet? I’d argue no, at least not until the steam release. Italy should remain with Germany indefinetly though, splitting them off would divide the playerbase with no real gameplay advantages like how the UK splitting would provide, as everywhere the Italians fought, the Germans were either next to them or right behind them.

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For new newbies, a large and lengthy tech tree is not good.

Because there is currently no reason to add similar stuff to the same tech tree anymore, by adding and filling out the UK tech tree will push devs to add more British stuff.

Making new factions can make players think about which one they prefer and provide a different grinding experience.


This would be so clutch! I want to role play as Italians but since the merge any soldier I buy is german and speaks german!

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Did the devs give any rationale for that? Because I’d like to see their excuses why they don’t want the game to grow.

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Exactly the opposite, in Italy there is the same reason as in Britain. Who wants to fight with Italian units in Berlin, Normandy, Moscow, Ardennes, and other potential battlefields where Italians never fought? It’s completely off and discourages playing as Italy. Italians should fight on their own battlefields and nowhere else.

  • Southern France (1940) Tier 1-2
  • Ethiopia (1940-41) Tier 1-2
  • Balkans campaign (1940-41) Tier 1-2
  • Operation Barbarossa (1941-42) Tier 2-3
  • Tunis (1941-43) Tier 2-3
  • Stalingrad (1942-43) Tier 2-3
  • Sicily (1943) Tier 3
  • Italy (1943-44) Tier 3-4

By the way, I would also be interested to know why they resolutely refuse to separate Britain and Italy. In the vast majority of games, at least Britain is always on its own, and there is no problem with that whatsoever.

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Italy didn’t touch France until Germany started in 1941, and then at that point what difference does it make if Italians are in the German sector or Germans are in the Italian sector.

The Germans had Auxilarry units there

Germans were in all of those places and were the primary forces there other than maybe in Egypt, but they were still a major factor there nonetheless. Furthermore, the Germans were frequent users of Italian weapons is it doesn’t matter if the Italians were there or not, because the Germans more than likely used the Italian weapons there. There are no maps that can be added where the Italians should fight alone without the Germans, and therefore they should not be split off from the German tree.

What are you babbling about, the Italians joined the war against France and attacked from the south between June 10-25, 1940. These battles between France and Italy are sometimes referred to as the Battle of the Alps. By the way, Germany starting in 1941? You’re quite off because Germany invaded France in 1940, lol.

And how many Germans were there? Supposedly 140. Approximately 250,000 Italians fought there. A pointless argument.

It’s evident that you didn’t understand me at all. It’s not primarily about Italians fighting alone, but about them fighting where they should and not on German battlefields. On the contrary, it’s a plus that on most battlefields there would be joint German and Italian teams.

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Ok, I made a typo there, my bad. However, my point still stands, Italy and Germany invaded France together and separating them into separate maps is a pointless exercise.

It doesn’t matter how many where there, so long as they were there, they can be added. Such are the rules of this game.

Again, Germans made use of Italian weapons all the time during the war, so just because the Italians were not there doesn’t mean their weapons weren’t there. Therefore, the way the game represents the Italian weapons right now (primarily in the hands of German troops) is probably just as accurate as splitting the Italians off from the Germans, and creating further player base splitting and grind for no real gameplay benefit other than to appease the feelings of a vocal few.

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I’d like confirmation from the devs if this will happen one day.

Here I have made your dream come true all British and French faction in one:
New Faction British Commonwealth and The Free French - Suggestions - Enlisted