[Map] Ancient Canyon

And if you don’t mind, can you share the characters? They’re great. I’m talking about custom profile, I’m wondering how to make similar ones

Ask @ErikaKalkbrenner, i didn’t make the characters.

You can make more unique characters by applying different textures. These can be anything, from vehicle camo textures, to terrain textures.

But is it possible to do this? And if possible, how?

If you want to know about custom profile, i can provide the one for my map as a sample (you can copy directly too since it is shared as open-sourced material by me)
You can find the google drive link in the description with the link above. It is the .json file in the Gavutu Zombies: Timeline Disorder folder you are looking for. (You can also download all other files for testing and learning)
To open and edit it, you can use notepad.exe (Windows default app, no need to install) or use NotePad++ (recommended choice, help to keep you sanity intact while editing)

(Sorry for advertising in your forum page, Bazsi37)

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(Sorry for advertising in your forum page, Bazsi37)

Pff please, you’re sharing knowledge.

sorry, i won’t share the codes of my characters.

because it’s all i have and can do around the forum.
i like mods to be unique by creating my own characters.

but, i can sort of share the way on how to ““retexture”” clothing.

first, you’ll need a comprehensive understanding of entities.blk in genral, what it is, how does it work and what can it do.

then, to retexture things;
( just as an example )



what i effectively did, is taking an item, and change it it’s textures.

Name_of_your_item{  // you can name it everything that you want. just make sure to remember it. and capitals letters will matter. so i reccomend avoid using capital letters.
  _use:t="name_of_the_item" // you can find this name in the entity name. but usually, it's the name given to the item in question. as they come in the entity name


if you want to get the names on a more faster way and see all items in the game, here is my list. which will be updated within every update:

second, if you want to get textures… it’s tricky.
you can find various grp in your game folder.

usually, the item in question ( for example, if you want to change the texture, you’ll have to find the texture name. just type keywords of the item name, and it should appear. you open them, and usually, you want to find the (texture_name[…]_d* / _d$sh these two are the ones you want to look for. )

and getting new textures, you may want to use this:

or, find for textures in the base files.

with that being said, best of luck.
it’s a time consuming process.


This datamine of enlisted uploaded by @Bazsi37 will also come in handy too. Make sure you download it in 7 days before the latest file gets removed for inactivity

Also ArtualDG you can come to my forum page (id:142288) to ask questions about modding if you want

:grin:Yes, notepad++ helps a lot, I’ve been doing missions myself for about six months and I have my own profiles, I was wondering exactly how to make such unique clothes. I will try and learn

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Thank you so much, you can answer this question?

you can’t.

weapons have a prefix scope on their animchar.

and you cannot edit animchars as we simply do not have the software that they have to edit animchars and include said scopes.

you can however, make a new AVS, hide it’s meshes and add as decorator the delisle commando model ( as a decorator )

you can do that by following the linked thread.

P:S: however, animations melee will be broken, and the weapon will be a bit cursed in first person.


Thanks for the very quick response. So vss vintorez will be out of sight :cry:

Sorry but i want to ask if anyone know what this error means. It happens when the shooter zombie spawns and is likely to be linked to those zombies

It starts popping up on dev server
And now its also in live server (since its also build 0.6+)
If anyone knows what its about (and maybe how to fix), it would be much appreciated

I think I had a similar experience. But I do not know what it is.

Does anyone have any idea what I should add to modern conflict? The weapon is already there, you may have seen my mod, its name is Modern Conflict Escape from Moscow

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definitely not moon weapons
But i think the modern gun sound got bugged? Have you fix it?

:slightly_smiling_face: I’m doing it now. Developers are throwing work to modders with each update :laughing:

Well, old things will break when new things are added, unless they are maintained
This can be seen in software like Windows


always glad to help.

you can, but it will be a bit scuffed.

and by scuffed, here are some of my attempts of changing weapons:

however, in first person, you’ll see some ghost effect.
and in my scoped m16, ( or scoped scar H )

far from ideal…

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Cool. But I just copied the carbine model, changed the name, characteristics, and volume of the store. You can test it in my mod. Its name is above

Modern Conflict Escape from Moscow