[Map] Ancient Canyon

definitely not moon weapons
But i think the modern gun sound got bugged? Have you fix it?

:slightly_smiling_face: I’m doing it now. Developers are throwing work to modders with each update :laughing:

Well, old things will break when new things are added, unless they are maintained
This can be seen in software like Windows


always glad to help.

you can, but it will be a bit scuffed.

and by scuffed, here are some of my attempts of changing weapons:

however, in first person, you’ll see some ghost effect.
and in my scoped m16, ( or scoped scar H )

far from ideal…

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Cool. But I just copied the carbine model, changed the name, characteristics, and volume of the store. You can test it in my mod. Its name is above

Modern Conflict Escape from Moscow

Any error containing the word “animation” or “animchar” is unfixable on our side.


Oh thanks, we’ll know

And if a third-person view is used in fashion?

Could we please move this conversation to other topics? Thanks


so, that’s also… complicated.
if the person is looking through third person, you’ll run into the same issues as first person.

however, on others soldiers it will look fine and " in place ".