Hi @James_Grove
Had a little bit more time to process thoughts. The changes were welcome overall
I would like to focus on equalising Air BRs just a little bit (based only on what they see). I will approach it from a buff standpoint, but you could go the other way and nerf “the reason”. You could go either way, but personally I prefer buff, goes down easier.
*NOTE I would also add small bombs or a small number of rockets to “all Fighter” aircraft if possible. Much like was added to the Hurricane.
The Following is IMO
Also pacific airspawn no delay needs to be addressed

B5N2: BR 3 - Br 2
Reason: unarmed and average payload, Dauntless is at BR 2
D4Y1: BR 4 to BR 2/3
Reason: Armed with only 2 Mgs and 1 bomb, I’m guessing was tiered up because of speed + turn, BUT the fast and well-armed P-38G exists as an “attacker” at BR 2.

AP-1: BR 3- BR 2
Reason: Either that or double its payload. The Dauntless at BR 2 is preferable.

Mosquito: BR4-BR 3
Reason: Bf110 planes are all at BR 3, I suggest this would be similar)
P-38G: I don’t know whether to use it as BR 2 baseline or swap it with fighter variant. It is popular (and personally I dont find it that scary, unless you are a tanker but then all ordnance is scary)

IAR-81C: This is an odd one. Too much ordnance for a fighter but outperformed by other fighters. Moving it to BR 2 would still be the same situation (still a better choice than Stukas, but a worse fighter)
Possible solutions:
- Add a IAR-81C with 2x rockets only as a BR 1 fighter
- Move the current IAR-81C to BR 2 as an “attacker”

Me 410B-1: Br 5- BR 3
Reason: Its “arguable” that its no better than any of the BF110s at BR 3
Ju-87 D-3: BR 3-BR 2
Reason: Its no better than a Dauntless at BR 2 AND if I was going to pick a stuka, it would still be the D-5 (which is BR 2 with the rest of them)

I think the current Soviet planes perform adequately where they are for the most part OR moving them doesnt achieve much. Waiting for some more additions.
I would however
IL 10
add Rockets to its ordnance as well as the bombs

Pe-3 handles like crap, Worse than BF110s. Dont know what to do with it. Even if you put it a BR 2 all the other soviet attackers are still preferable.
I suppose you could change its load out. instead of 6x 100s, change to 4x100s and 6x rockets? Maybe a small reason to conisder it? probably not much though

Probably missed a heap. That was just what came to mind atm.