Pleaze for the love of Snail give P-63A-10 its bomb loadout, we want our fighter-bomber

Is it even able to do much at BR 4? Is the cannon able to penetrate tanks or something?

If they put bombs on it, i would buy it immediately. Russia needs good fighter bombers.

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It’s an American 37mm auto cannon…light tanks almost certainly from above. Anything above a basic Pz III or IV might get a bit sketchy on if it can pen or not. I’d imagine the engine bays are all susceptible. Rest of the heavier tanks though? Doubt it. And that’s if it even gets any AP ammunition and isn’t solely AA ammunition. It’s built as an interceptor not a ground strike aircraft, so that 37mm is made for bombers. Not ground targets

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Dang I guess the Commies know how to suggest improvements on American planes
The P-63 had an impressive roll rate, besting the US P-47, P-40, and P-51—and the Japanese Navy’s Kawanishi N1K2 Shiden-Kai fighter—with a rate of 110° per second at 275 mph

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Yep, currently it appears a HEFI belt; was unable to pen anything in testing. Still very worthwhile for strafing, APC kills, open topped SPGs etc in ground support.

Just a shame this was passed in BR balancing; maybe aircraft will get a pass in some future Making Enlisted Better


Yeah I figured as much. No good shells for any American cannons. Lol

It had a mix of AP-HE and HE-IT if i remember correct. I would rather they give it full HE for infantry and soft targets, and those 3 500 ilb bombs, hell I’d be happy with 2 100’s and a 500. Immediate purchase.


It should have 3x 250kg for Soviets, or fuel drop tanks (as seen in pic in OP).
I’m fine with gun armament as is, since HE is relevant; its just crazy to me that Soviet Br5 is forced to run P40 BR2 aircraft and Darkflow could easily monetize this;

I will 100% buy the Premium the second they make this change, historically accurate, actually relevant for gameplay balancing.

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I refuse to see kilograms on an American plane. You take these 500 pound bombs and you do just that, pound the enemy into submission. Pound em good and…and hard. Yeah pound em real hard….I MEAN BOMB THEM!

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I am an unfortunate owner of the King Cobra. It is incredibly fun to fly but absolutely sucks when compared to the killing potential of the D-9. This plane should dominate. Hope she gets fixed.


This and other planes need a rebalancing and or changing of their payload to make them more relevant and more likely to be PURCHASED

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Exactly. Dealing with this can help them get paid. It’s a win for us all.

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Thank you for coming to my TED talk :innocent:


We at least got half of what we wanted :slight_smile:

K4 250 instead of 500

Aircobra 250 instead of 3x250 (a third in your case)

Can work with that

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Yeah its something to start; just gonna keep pressure on the general air revamp as brought up by you few months ago and misc changes im pushing for

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Read preliminary patch notes

Yep baby steps but ill take it
Adding 3x250s to P63 would have warranted a Br change ; this is deff good enough

Better than nothing. Outstanding!

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Armament has been added topic is now closed

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