Making Enlisted a Better Place №42

They already have “troll vehicle”, the rocket thingy in Moscow.
But it was quite useless. Not sure if this change had any impact on it.

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Please change the marker (V) to the right mouse button (press it once), then the tank’s zoom in + zoom out function to the right mouse button “hold down” and try it.

In the video, the only two operations are holding down the right mouse button and then releasing it, as well as a demonstration of the button settings

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Yeah I know about it… but it’s just… bad overall.

It’s too tiny and lightly armoured, and has no mg, and only one reload of it’s rocket rack.

It would be fine if it could be used with indirect fire… but having to see the target in medium range to fire rockets correctly makes it, like you said, useless…

A KV2 on the other hand… :stuck_out_tongue:

the tank commander switch views also need to be faster. in fact, it’s much more useful than the gunner switching views (which is what was changed).

However, my feedback on this error (including a video of exactly how to do it), which I presented much earlier in the day, still hasn’t been answered by anyone.
Throwing objects (e.g. grenades) are dragged off the surface mod // // Issues

My feedback was in the release period, and the line get reply was already, so laggy?
And why is it treated differently?
That’s why I’ve given up to reporting again.

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I will close your report now. As we provided answers on the one above.

As a player I m glad we are getting a fix. And I hope you,and every player keep reporting issues, it’s how we get a better game for everyone.

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One main problem in tank gameplay is non operational machineguns in tank frontal armor and back of the turret. I understant that in War Thunder there is no need in fully operational, small caliber machineguns, but here having additional machinegun is serious boost to tank firepower. I hope devs will make all machineguns on the tanks operational. And also give us full list of shell types, for tank main cannon, like in war thunder, with ability to choose quantity and proportions of ammunition for main gun.


In mid-late June, I showed a screenshot and description of this grenade bug in a thread posted by someone else but locked by a moderator (the author complained about not being able to get feedback through the feedback system). But until just you done 5 mins ago, no one has paid any attention to me.
Thanks, guys, for not treating me as transparent.

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Holy crap, I just took the Pz4 for a spin on the training grounds and it KILLS.
Stalinium is DEAD! (at least against the 75mm KwK40)


No way… even the “invincible” Stalinium front plate?

The time for pz4 supremacy is here.

Pz4 > everything.

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Can it pen things like t34 frontplate (at low, Enlisted range like 200m)?

Maybe u should try watching a video and learning how to make AI and then maybe u will know how hard it is to fix AI

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Disabled the ability to zoom in with the commander’s optics.
=> Is also not OK for me.

Panzer IV F2 and one shotted T-34

and it took two shots on this distance

So I am extremely happy with this patch, good job


HE explosion effect basically restored back to the early days?

Are there any plans to fix/make bipods/mountings guns in this game better? Currently it’s really awful and inconsistent. Would be nice for my uncontrollable MG-15 be able to mount and mow down soviets. Instead of a DT-29 hip firing and beating me


Please note that offline practice mode don’t reflect 100% in-game action, (since no enemy body inside) but, I m very pleased too.

The more I look to my panzer Iv armored the more I like it :slight_smile:

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Early days HE had tremendous issues, (alpha days) . This is 18293.99 times better.

That’s true. But I always thought it was harder to destroy tank practice mode exactly for this reason.
So in live game, it should be even better I guess.

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