The Tiger 2 is toxic

That’s odd because I never once noticed an issue penning the T-34-85 in Berlin with the IV J
I used it up until the merge as well
The penetration on the long 75 on both the early long one and later always lined up with what I expected from WT
Same experience in Normandy as well using the prem IV J from when I bought it until the end
It performed exactly to expectation

Now if you were to bring up the Panther’s gun bouncing all retarded on the T-34-85 I’d have to agree lmao
It and the horrible rocking is why I stuck with the IV J

And again, I never remember a patch specifically buffing the Panzer IVs beyond generally polishing up tank v tank in general if anything

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You are welcome to think whatever you like.

You are more than welcome to post the patch notes, my dude

i like how no one complained about the T-34E when that had a far better frontal armor than KV-1 :joy:

I did :sweat_smile:, DF was lazy and did post any information.

Well, I did.

It’s why back in early Berlin, I cheesed my way with t34-85.

First EVER Berlin match with reds, I scored 14 tank kills, using the SAME t34 without dying :slight_smile: pz4 kept just dingging me and I lazily aimed center mass.

I ran out of shells so I killed the last 3… with HE.

Was that ridiculous :sweat_smile:

Also I found it thanks to the other link!

It’s the same thread, my memory still works :stuck_out_tongue:

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the only toxic thing is the stupidly implemented BR separation.
BR5 vehicles are perfectly ok against each other, but need to be separated from all other BRs.

Perfect Enlisted:
BR 1 & 2
BR 3 & 4
BR 5

Anything else is straight up nonsense.


Only USSR vs GER

US has gotten left aside with majority BR IV gear at best shoved in V
M2C, Jug, 1919, and M26 being what actually belongs there

Thankfully it looks like they’ll be brought up to snuff in small arms and armor
Hopefully this next patch

prove me if i’m wrong , but there are still heavy bombs , explosion pack , TNT charge and anti tank mines that could easily destroy every tank easily


P47 is still the overall strongest thing in enlisted. Combing P47 with P51 you easily dick on every KingTiger in your enemies team. The Soviets are ironically enough the weakest vehicle faction overall now, since they only have 1 top tier plane and the two IS tanks arent comparable to Kingtigers, Pershings or HoRi.

EDIT: its important to play P51 over Corsair to be able to easily bomb KingTigers with whatever plane slot is open atm. Using a Corsair instead just opens you up to be dominated by dual KingTigers in case a stupid team mate blocks the Attacker plane slot and your left with an impotent Corsair.

Bombs rely on having immediate access to the plane slots so you have to pray your teammates don’t just sit in them hogging them
Explosion packs are iffy on heavier nazibunkers a lot of the time
TNT yeah that’s alright if you can place it on the front hatches
And AT mines are 10/10 if you get lucky and they head that way

Tank hunting plane player mainz may i present you the zebras of Enlisted, yes they exist yes they are effective but they are so rare counting on them is like counting on good Germans like Schindler to save the Jews of Europe and not the Allies.

tiger 2 is currently not a problem cause there are lots of counters to it, but US(and japan) could be buffed with some decent AT weapons and buff to AT gun. also they should add super pershing.

If you take into account the weapons mounted on Soviet bombers
To a certain extent, they are quite strong.
23MM machine gun (armor-piercing), high-performance bombs (50X4 100X4), rockets with appropriate performance (not RBS82)

The IS series does have some shortcomings
But they still have the ability to destroy each other.

Let me guess.

You have parked your tank in front of the enemy’s tank respawn. So the only job you had was to wait for one tank after another to appear.

No. In fact I was almost in the front, with the boots. (Since I had only HE left I didn’t care much for safety. Like a real Red)

It was early Berlin not everyone had fausts I suppose.

Lemme guess. You gonna whine that I wasn’t in my team’s grey zone? Some ppl are never satisfied… :upside_down_face:


There is you can go through tank cupola and if you have enough TNT your round will ingnite the ammo on back of the Tiger II(H) and OHK it

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Oh please, dont be that guy.

Now everyone takes a tank. Park it at the edge of the map, facing the enemy tank respawn.

I saw a player doing it and decided to give it a try.
7 tanks destroyed in 16 minutes of game.

Dont worry about the grey zone.

in Enlisted or another game because i have hit the copula several times in a row with a jumbo and it did both jack and squat

Jumbo spits mini nukes, not actual tank shells, if you want to fight a tank, take a tank that shoots actual shells.