The Tiger 2 is toxic

A powerful gun and glacial armor the Tiger 2 or King Tiger is the nightmare of every BR3 player in the game, it would be one thing if it was a premium or even tank in the game, but as a tech line tank it should be BR6 that is right it is too good for the game, Front side turret armor are all of the chart it Is just game breaking.
I don’t care about the letter sized weak point, the commander’s copula and tracks should not be able to shrug off even a Shermans 75 HE or AP. on the other hand a Sherman Jumbo can be peened at almost any angle at almost any point by the Tiger 2. So create a BR5 6 for the TIGER II or remove it the tank is just toxic.

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Or just dont let br 3 fight br 5. Problem solved


br 1 2. b3 4 br5 looks good to me

I remember 2yrs ago when all axis had in Normandy was pz4H, but WITHOUT the patched, functional gun.

the meme sentence used by Jumbo mains was:

“Flank it, bro.”



I think Germany got its revenge by now, and jumbo cannot kill a tiger 2 even by hitting the side, and can’t hit the rear if it is in the gray zone

It can kill KT by shooting its turret ring from the back.

Good luck.


The solution isnt to remove the iconic vehicle or anything.

It’s to give me my super Pershing already!

or a t29. oooor a t30 (uhuhuhuhuh)


so it can’t kill it, what i mean is if it stays in the gray zone and does not turn around, also why can’t it kill it by hitting the turret ring from the side of front
lastly is this a joke given the zoom the Jumbo has at any range its more luck than skill to hit that target

Also how does that help anyone under BR5 in US or USSR facing a King Tiger
infantry AT weapons wont put a dent in it, BR3 4 tanks cant hurt it not sure about engineer at guns, and don’t say planes you might as well pray that the enemy has a brain fart and drives into your gray zone killing themselves


I see only excuses


how does a tank hit a tank in the back that is in the gray zone


Just stop playing BR3. It’ll still be a nightmare but at least you’ll have honor.

that leaves out br4 as well only play 60% of the game great suggestion

It can kill it from the side

by a Sherman Jumbo, Where?

rear not side just for reference

where on this can a Jumbo hurt/kill a Tiger 2



The side armour is not that angled and you can pen it with the 75mm. I will show pics in training when i get home


Shermans and all tanks with only solid AP rounds need to be buffed. Jumbo is a joke because it deals no damage.

That being said, Panther should be BR5, Tiger should be BR4.

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i just hope the areas are human sized and not say the size of a mg port or just barley bigger than the shell i am hitting them with

I mean br3 obviously have no match against tiger 2 that why I don’t bother playing br3 I went straight for 2 or 5 instead

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I’m sure there is at least one pixel where you can penetrate the king tiger’s armor.
So it’s balanced and you just need to: