The Tiger 2 is toxic

Considering that in most situations it is almost impossible to attack from the side with a tank
Have you ever tried an aerial bomb or a high-performance rocket launcher?
Don’t tell me you use M8 rockets and M1 rocket launchers for long-range confrontations with anti-tank rifles

P51D is your best friend in America
Soviet Union? I believe 50 kilograms is enough to fight a tiger

I guess he didn’t get the Pacific’s fuel-mounted aircraft
HV in development is at least Level 4

Allied aircraft are generally very accurate and Tiger II absolutely sucks at dodging bomb attacks.
I know allied mains don’t have to use their brains when fighting Axis tanks in BR1-3 since even Panzer IV can be frontally penetrated by BR1 tanks, but expecting the same to happen in BR3-5 is blatantly stupid.

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I’ve met professional drivers who use the terrain and knowledge to avoid bombs and rockets
This greatly improves their survival rate

I even saw a King Tiger using sloped armor to fight HV rockets on the mountain wall on D-Day.
5 or 6 pilots are totally helpless against him

The vast majority of tanks will not take advantage of terrain and technology to face attacks from aircraft.
Most of the time, they are like incompetent sandbags, waiting for death and then crying about the plane on the forum.

The enemy in this article is King Tiger, not No. 4
So we won’t discuss the low-level environment

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The PzIV never got a patch and was always capable of front penning the Jumbo
Its been a skill issue on the Enlisted player’s part for years, but I don’t blame them since I doubt most have played War Thunder
You could even HE the Jumbo frontally with the 75 up

This kind of whining is why the Jumbo is 5.7 now and Tigers are 5.3 and 5.7 with the KT never being uptiered but its equals in other trees going up.
Nevermind the 76 Jumbo at the same BR as the KT P


You are wrong, it has been buffed because it was weaker than realistic stats.


It was always ~135mm pen point blank and could always kill the Jumbo through the MG port regardless
Even across the map
You sometimes had to give it a few shots because of dispersion though
But you were safe since M72 solid shot does fucking nothing unless it hits your ammunition

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Where does that say anything about the PzIV specifically
That’s just their shitty overpressure mechanic which is very spotty and has been since they made it in War Thunder
Quote the actual line please because I’m not skimming the whole page for it

Buddy, Panzer IV was struggling with the 75mm non slopped KV-1 armour before that patch.

Learn where to aim?
I OHK Tiger I from the side with M72.


Didn’t mention any of the tanks that got fixed.
That is why I quoted Shivex since he had tested the update.

That’s a feature of Gaijin games since the KV turret has rounded armor
You railgun through the ufp since the rounded turret is :crazy_face:
Same reason you have to be careful hitting the Panther’s mantlet since any rounded spot is a blackhole most of the time


You have to hit the fucking ammo to do it since solid shot provides no post-penetration fragmentation

Okay so it was pretty much a lie saying it got buffed like that
Thanks for clearing that up

that was the 4F2/G not the 4H/J, i say this because they have different guns


And even then the difference between the two is pretty marginal
The IVs in Stalingrad suffered more from the maps and being glass cannons

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All panzer IV long guns suffered from these issues if I remember right.

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i can not say since stalingrad only featured the kwk 40 l/43 while 4J has the kwk 40 l/48 but i can say is the 40 l/43 could easily cut the through UFP of KV-1 before the pen increase

But, it DID get a patch. I remember because I was so happy it finally worked WELL (not just okayish) against t34s.

The canon did not perform as it should have and so, it received a fix a while ago. (It was just one line among a hundred in a big update and I’m too lazy to find it :slight_smile: )


That’s odd because I never once noticed an issue penning the T-34-85 in Berlin with the IV J
I used it up until the merge as well
The penetration on the long 75 on both the early long one and later always lined up with what I expected from WT
Same experience in Normandy as well using the prem IV J from when I bought it until the end
It performed exactly to expectation

Now if you were to bring up the Panther’s gun bouncing all retarded on the T-34-85 I’d have to agree lmao
It and the horrible rocking is why I stuck with the IV J

And again, I never remember a patch specifically buffing the Panzer IVs beyond generally polishing up tank v tank in general if anything

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You are welcome to think whatever you like.

You are more than welcome to post the patch notes, my dude

i like how no one complained about the T-34E when that had a far better frontal armor than KV-1 :joy: