Making Enlisted a Better Place №42


If it’s good on practice, it’s amazing in-game :slight_smile:

I took an AI programming class in college, and it was by far the hardest out of all the classes I took

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Ye came here to post something similar to this. It would be nice if crew remembered their positions if moving crew around in the vehicle.

For example having 3 crew in a tank with at least 4 max crew tends to be annoying:
Your commander will take up the loder space in combat
If you switch back to the commander seat your gunner will move there and the previous commander will go to the gunner seat.

I think tank crews should have preferences based on their initial seating. For this example the commander should have the highest priorites on the commander and loader seat.

Alternatively: Being able to set those preferences outside the match manually would be great aswell.


This is why I primarily use the commander

Same. And tbh it’s rare I need the green reticle pen status, so commander position it is.

Strangely I have noticed to never use the driver position

I use the driver position in some tanks, that don’t have a commander, who can pop open the hatch or that don’t have a commander at all. It helps to navigate difficult terrain.

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Oh true. T50 did come to mind.


When are they going to fix the gunners of the planes that don’t shoot?


Hi, fix for rear AI gunners it’s scheduled for one of upcoming update


So it means…

That even the premium (track) armoured Js are great, now!

It’s good. Proper glass canons. Easy to take out, but easy getting took out by aswell.

Can’t wait to test!

Armored J in berlin is the best pz4. Surprisingly highly capable tank.

It has the transverse speed of the H(14 degree),added side armor and added front armor.

The normandy J on the other hand…

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Don’t know mate, pressure damage sounds like a fix to IS 2 and such, shouldn’t really effect Axis tanks other than short 7.5cm

I’m now also glad I got armoured (track) G from Stalingrad, and track armoured F gold order ones :slight_smile:

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Camouflaged Jagdpanther? Camo for premium tanks when??? :slight_smile:


Lol, I hope so! I really dont like the yellowish colour on JP, big dick and so on…

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Hey, speaking of pz4 it’s amazing and all, but: did regular Sherman gun also benefit from this? It’s a very similar caliber, I recon normal Sherman won’t be overlooked anymore by ppl (especially with it’s neat stabilizer)

All tanks did benefit from the changes in one way or another


I one shotted panther though MG weakspot with jumbo. But otherwise it still cannot pen frontal plates of Panthers and tigers.

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Now the IS-2 and SU-100 can pierce the frontal armor of Jagdpanther. I waited this for a long time. Thanks !!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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and panzer 4j in berlin can finally fight against the t34 d5t