Making Enlisted a Better Place №42

It’s like, finally, things simply make sense.

It was weird and hard to explain, before. Big boy IS2 gun is supposed to nuke things, it’s as it should be!

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After seeing it for myself, I prefer the previous tank viewing system.

I think the Gunner sights are too fast, the previous one felt a little more natural because it took a few moments for it to zoom in.

I liked the original Commander viewing ports because it felt more like you were inside the cupola in a cramped vehicle, when the new one just basically zooms you right in front of the opening and you have a huge field of view

I’m partial on the Commander being able to zoom. On one hand it is somewhat realistic because obviously people can’t zoom their eyes, yes they can focus and squint but you get the idea. On the other hand

I agree. I use the Commander the majority of the time

Overall, I prefer the previous version, and would rather it back


Please Set the key binds to default and see if the problem still happen. this looks like some sort of issue on keybinds done on your side. (having same key doing multiple actions)

example on my test:

having played a few matches just by now i don’t know what was fixed on this update, Sherman 2 solid rounds have no post pen damage like shrapnel does not exist, AT weapons are the same and A-20 rockets doing no damage with a direct hit on a top attack.

Did i just misunderstood what the update was about or nothing really changed?

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Tunisia Sherman 2 only fires AP rounds, its understandable there is almost none post pen shrapnel .

Isn’t that already a thing? You’re able to pop the Jumbo in Normandy with the 15 cm Pz.W.42 rocket by shooting at the turret before the update.

I misunderstood, overpressure only work for rocket type weapon not tank ammunition. Pz. IV just got a huge buff.

IS-2 and SU-100 were buffed and have increased armor penetration.

Did you fix the post pen on AT launchers? They are extremely weak.

explosive filler is again not needed in tank combat. velocity creates shrapnel.
A Sherman successfully penetrating a center mass target will send enough shrapnel into the target to completely disable it.

Normal AP in comparison to APHE or similar will always have less shrapnel. right?

This is nice and all, but without meta change we are all just marking time.

Really?..Finally…sounds like the 75mm is actually doing its job now…it drove me nuts that the workhorse 75mm was getting absorbed by stalinium

STUG life is under way


Welp what if ur commander dies?

On my Tiger 2 tank, I have 5 crew members. The machinegunner is the substitute for all my roles on the tank except for driver. But each time the gunner and loader dies. The driver shifts to loader duty and the machinegunner becomes the driver. Not to say when u accidently hop out of the tank as a gunner, the whole tank gets rearranged which is super annoying


The speed of switching to other views in a tank is good now, it was a bit too slow before… but the zoom-in on the gunners optics is now much too rapid. I feel like someone slammed my eyes against the screen when I zoom in - it was very pleasant and natural before this patch, and also fast enough. With that smooth zoom before I could continuously be aware of what I’m looking at, and now when the screen jumps, it’s hard to follow the targets a split second just after the zoom. All the changes are nice except for this sudden zoom jump in gunners optics - please revert this one back to smooth :pray: :pray: :pray:

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Yes, the tank gunner sights now are not “pleasant for the eyes”, they were very pleasant before (and not slow) but now it is just a sudden chop that hurts the eyeballs and disrupts focus on the target.


I liked it, I found it very interesting that the explosive ammunition is capable of causing damage in the tribulation, it’s okay that this already happens with the rockets of the planes, which in addition to having high penetration is still explosive even hitting the ground, now it just lacks the ability to change the types from projectiles to aircraft no longer being able to destroy a tank with a single explosive missile shot

You should test without the captain using his personal weapon .
In my video, the problem is that without press the “B” button to use the captain’s personal weapon, The hand on the keypad leaves the keypad after pressing “ctrl” and letting the captain poke out of the car.
then to test : pressing “hold” the right button, and the captain draws his pistol and uses it
The default button? I wouldn’t do that because it’s too much work to change it back. The fastest way is to replace the settings file.
And the default button greatly adds a lot of extra actions and restrictions.
It even interferes with smooth behaviour when useing “V” with the plane.

Wait to repair BF110G2’s BK37 cannon AP shells.I know it well become a tank killer because of it should have more than 100mm penetration and no American tank can survive under it. But if the big update can give BF110g2 a right BR ,can BK37 AP’s wrong penetration repair to normal?

What about bomb shells from 1,000 feet coming in at 700 ats? A bomb with explosives coming in at those speeds would blow through armor and detonate. Very frustrating to us flyboys.