Making Enlisted a Better Place №42

The Commander dying is more of hinderance, and being the Gunner is almost like a burden. You lose that vital field of view, even the driver has a poor view

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Tested new mechanics thoroughly and…

I must say I love it. My pz4, is back. Deadly as it should, can duke it out on equal terms with mighty KV.

Now, to succeed, tankers need smarts, they cannot just roll in the open thinking their tank is much better than the opponent’s.

Good update, I really like.

  • Disabled the ability to zoom in with the commander’s optics. Usually such devices did not have the possibility of additional zoom.

I feel like that heavily nerf’s what the purpose of the two positions in a tank is in the game. This change just nerfs commanders unnecessarily, forcing you to switch members if you want to even see what’s around you, and making it even more cumbersome to know what’s around you when using a tank. Historical accuracy shouldn’t be more important than game feel.

please undo this, having to switch between members in tanks is annoying enough.

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Fairly positive improvement! I do expect that developments in the future would keep this level: focus on what most players complain about and fix 'em with efforts.

Also, I suggest that the dev blogs should be written in more proper words, because when I read the words, I feel as if ‘weplayers are making trouble for no reason, while the production team is trying their best to meet the unreasonable demands of the players.’ That is not the truth, if you devs lower your profile and do well, players will certainly appreciate and respect your work. I believe sometimes you even don’t realize that these words is not OK. But anyway, I would appreciate it if there is any change in future dev blogs.

And I have to remind you of the merge, which players have been waiting for a long long time. : )

Yes but a direct hit from a is just as deadly as a hit from 20mm canon.

High velocity guns need to be better at taking out tanks than high explosive filler guns. Because thats how it was.

Oh my it all sounds too good to be true!!!

I havent had the oppurtunity to try!

Ya’ll better not be yanking my chain!!!


Really pleasant update, keep the good work


Yeah, I really live this update. :slight_smile: You can basically one shot every tank. Very cool.


This pressure damage and shrapnel damage is still non existing for the allies tanks in the Pacific Campaign. I can fire anti infantry round into a window or door of a building that has multiple foes inside and zero damage occurs to them. When playing axis side the anti infantry rounds wipes them all out. Also the same thing happens when engaging tanks. Allies tank rounds rarely do damage to axis tanks while when i use a axis tank, it will take out the allied tank with just 1 or 2 rounds. I have not saw any change in damage in the Pacific campaign, when will this be repaired?

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Having a commander is essential, having to know what’s ard is important to not dying.

I’m not! Yesterday I tried Stalingrad, where the best axis tank is the 4 G, and where Soviets have exellent choices (t34 stz, KV). Before the update, KV were used to just… roll forward towards you while you tried to land a crippling shot…

Not anymore! Pz4, wrecks KV hull. Turret ring. Turret cheeks as usual… it wrecks t34 front plate (since we engage at more or less 200m in Enlisted, which is basically point blank for tanks).

So I realized. Axis got a “boost” with this update… Simply because they now work as intended and were broken before.

Same goes with end tier Soviets thought, I heard IS2 finally has it’s dreaded death star lvl gun working as it’s supposed to (I got to test it next).


Removing commander zoom is a mistake. Almost everything in the game already has zoom and its necessary to have otherwise nobody would see anything. I dont see why tanks should be penalized.

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Good!!. finally doing what it should do!!!

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Yeah, I can relate to your opinion.
Since the zoom is more or less only thing for comfort.

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Haha well i got on, but didnt get around to trying the 75mm long…too busy wrecking with the 75mm short lol. Killed alooooot of t-34s…felt pretty consistant…not sure if more reliable than before because it was always capable.

Didnt see a kv-1 8(

I want to try the 50mm and see how they fair…would love to bring them out more


The short 75 can now pen t34 front plate too? This surprises me a bit (waiting for soviet mains crying to get it nerfed).

As for the 50mm like the 3J, I haven’t tried it yesterday, but seen many and they seemed to survive a bit more.
(That might just has been because I was always just behind, moving stealthily and picking enemies when I had a good shot lined)

On the other hand, I received some t70 shots on my 4G, and it seems… the shell either got “nerfed” or simply got it’s normal post pen damage, so I didn’t explode immediately due t70 sneezing at me. My 4G was all red and yellow with 3 crewmen left at the end, but I lasted the entire match without dying… while causing the frustration of many enemy tankers and infantry alike… I had to resupply twice.

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HEAT rounds. It could always pen frontally (very small spot) but was inconsistent and if they were too angled, nearly impossible

But side angle attacks with heat seemed to be alot more effective at steeper angle with this patch

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Gah! Forgot about HEAT!

Stalingrad PZ3N? That thing is so good…


Favourite tank. Best anti infantry, still deadly to most tanks

Panzer IV with HEAT equally great


I’m really angry about the fact that you removed the zoom for the tank gun this one was very useful without viewfinder it feels like playing an arcade game I think I’ll go back to world of tank
a little disgusted not to have the possibility to zoom especially as it is very often used
instead of removing this you better change the fact that some player spam the zoon of appearance of planes and that there is no anti-aircraft fire to appear to this

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