Making Enlisted a Better Place №42

Why are all the defense machine guns behind the bomber not working now? Please repair them immediately,I’m driving a bomber now like someone else’s prize.

Tank gun zoom isn’t removed… The commander isn’t always the gunner you know.

There’s still the possibility to use binoculars when popping out of the hatch, or simply using the gunner scope view for a better zoom, as usual…

and binoculars have more zoom than the tank optics

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G41 reload fix when?

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Something feels better about the gun optics. Cant really pick what it is. Its not about the visual for me its the functionality. but feels good.

I miss the zoom (or focus as I label it) from the commander cupola. But Its not to bad because I like to use my binocs while popped a fair bit. Can Snipe from a distance that leaves you somewhat obscured.

Also I only tried once last night, But Molotovs still don’t appear to damage engines anymore…

Agreed. As the cupola zoom, I was using it all the time but I don’t mind so much, it’s much more realistic this way: it’s the gunner who aims. Unless there is a scope available for the commander in which case I hope it works.

Like the dicker in Stalingrad. Don’t have it, but tried it in practice and last time I saw the commander has a periscope to avoid having his head clipped off by popping out. (Dunno if it’s magnified or not).

As for the flames… I don’t remember last time my flamethrowers even damaged engines… I know it used to be a thing, doesn’t seem so anymore. Same for molotov sadly. Tried on a KV yesterday (had nothing else but a mannlicher) and it did nothing.

There used to be a characteristic sound when the engine slowly got damaged by fire, just like if it got shot at, to indicate the component passed from grey to yellow, to red, etc.


yup can confirm molotovs no longer set tanks on fire through engine block. Im sad about that.

However I did get to fight some KV-1 with 75mm HEAT today…BOOOM XD

And I also tried 50mm and actually made short work of some t-34s. Panzer 3M should be deadly. I was so surprised when I was getting good post pen damage.

Russian tanks have had it soo good for soo long (up to a point), this must be a really rude awakening.


I can imagine the Soviet mains “REEEEEEEing”. Armour was bugged a bit like the Fedorov. Way overboosted.

On the other hand, really happy for IS2 however. Giving a lil taste of what a KV2 would do! :smile:

50mm is great you say? Now I gotta test Moscow pz3J1. The long barrel made it ok even pre update. I imagine now it should pen even more easily, being very high velocity and all.

It should work the same way it works in planes and with non-scoped rifles, you should be able to “focus” and then the resolution increases somewhat.

I guess tank commander was never limited to 1000x1000 pixels eye resolution as I am now in full HD, they did not use first gen VR glasses…

Not that I play tanks much, but I feel it was wrong reasoning in that sentence. :slight_smile:

Lets just say if you can get a 50mm round inside…its goes Boom…just killed me some KV-1s…OfCourse I had to get to its side armor, but 1 round did the trick

and thats the 50mm short…50mm long should be pretty sweet

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seems like those changes didn’t because HE damage is still awfully random

As soon as it will be ready.


maybe u should check older games and compare before posting such BS. Presume that everybody including me is similar amateur in his own specialisation and dont be too shy to release such sh…