Making Enlisted a Better Place №40

I just hope there’s no BR spread… I would be so happy…


10 tiers…


Which means tier example 2, +/- 1.

Like war thunder.

With tier spread (like it likely will have) 5 tiers only will make things much worse. And mostly render the br thing worthless.


Condensing it to 5 tiers, there has to be no br spread. It has to be tier for tier to be worth while

…in my opinion


Is a fact.


There is no way this game NEEDS ten tiers, besides MAYBE tanks. The difference between weapons isn’t THAT pronounced.


I don’t mind the +/-1 we could do with 5 tier or +/-2 or whatever we could do with 10 because things aren’t as horribly polarized between meta good and dogshit like WT

You can spread those cheeks, boy

I agree only in the sense of tanks and sometimes CAS
Guns being +/-1 is fine by me since that’s more up to the user

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Yeah, I can have 10/50 rounds with bag! (Which is same as 20/40 Just more reloading, no para box, no grenade launcher, no insta spawn anywhere on map)

Until you take tanks and planes into account…

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Yes vehicles are the biggest factor, but should be considered.

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I really hope so…

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Already addressed :+1:

Overall I’m ambivalent so long as I’m able to still run Thompsons without seeing absolute tippy top tier since I REFUSE to go back to fucking Grease Guns or bongshit

Yeah looking through it again 10 tiers is fine
Just push the update so I can sort through this shitstorm

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This is true, but I get most of my tank kills with infantrymen. I think you could shoehorn it into 5 tiers and it would be okay. I fully acknowledge that it might not though. Still, I’d rather full 10 v 10 people instead of the chasing of bot farmers like we have now and I will suffer any compression issues that go with that.

It’s what we all want, in truth.

Depending on the range of what br will be accepted, 5 tiers would just make the entire br model useless.

10 tier, but with, say +/-2 tier… it would be less terrible for newcomers and just allow us for more choice, like no greasy gun.

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I dont like this new Battle Pass task UI

Because I only click the first complete mission, and I cant change the other task before I click the complete mission.

Then I cant click into battle pass before I click the complete mission.

Can you return back this OLD Battle Pass UI
Enlisted 2021.10.31 -



For example, the bug with the metal ladder from the sea to the pier in the Pacific campaign, and the series of related steps, stairs, climbing ladders, window edges, door frames, etc. are still unfixed


Thank you for these changes, the UI was just a little frustrating that you were always struggling to ready up for groups… good job!

As for AT, just tested the PF and it kills much more effectively, I did not check M9, or Offenror (?) But previously 10 shots on a Stuart, so I’m going to trust you.

As for other things:
Please please stop breaking tail gunners, better still let us control them like in WT.

I am slightly hesitant of the big changes, I hope it doesn’t spoil my fun, Fun is why I play, if I want to sweat, I can play other games if I really want to.

Keep up the good work, as I said before please don’t forget some us like choice :wink::guardsman:

For me the matchmaking is tier vs tier and occasionaly mixing them, a BR like warthunder cant work because if each of the 5 tier have 1.5/2BR it end with 8/10BR level

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fix IS2


Overhaul Defensive fortifications and Engineering.

The engineering squad itself has greatly fallen out of use (especially since AA has been terrible since the update that you changed how the damage was calculated).
It’s defensive structures are generally laughed at by many members of the community.

  • Sandbag walls that shatter anytime a fragment from an explosion or HMG bullet touches them. Not to mention we can’t build windowed ones.

  • Barbwire that is only ever piled in doorways because like sandbags, it gets destroyed far too easily.

  • Czech Hedgehogs that are SUPPOSED to block tanks, yet are destroyed by tank HE shells or by a tanker that parks, jumps out of the tank, breaks it down, and continues on this way. So instead, most players just use them to try to block doorways, because there really is NO OTHER OPTION to lock down a doorway.

All of these issue on top of the fact that defenders don’t actually get any time to fortify in the first place.

All of this on top of the fact you guys removed the ability to stack sandbags so MG nests are completely exposed once again, on top of the fact that MOST MG nests are INCAPABLE of angling down, with the exception of the American one. So usage of MG nests from a raised position is nearly impossible.

Also that instead of being able to set up fortifications outside of the objective and actually make the approach the front of the combat area, the objective gets taken far too easily because thinning out attacking forces before they get to the objective is insanely difficult. Leading to mass exterminations with flamethrowers and such constantly.

We all know that engineers are used in pretty much every squad, and with the introduction of unique structures in other squads, I would REALLY like to see engineer squads get access to UPGRADED versions of the DEFENSIVE structures.

**Regarding engineer structures: only engineers or soldiers with a consumable of some kind should be allowed to “deconstruct” enemy fortifications. **
After all, it require an ENGINEER, spending his limited resources plus time, to put them up. It should require either the same class, or a consumable supply on other soldiers to break them down.
It may even be a good addition to add unique structures to the assaulter squad such as ladders, or bangalore torpedos.

Lastly, I would like to add that I really think mine pouches need to be added, and their usage adjusted a little bit. After all they really are only useful on defense.

This plus only being able to place mines “outdoors”. Making minefields a viable option.

@1942786 these are the suggestions from not just me and other people on the forums, but its talked about a LOT on xbox. I try to help out new players frequently and this is something that they bring up frequently as well.
Please thoroughly look this over. Strategic gameplay and fortification needs a massive overhaul!!!