Making Enlisted a Better Place №40

In WT, wwii vehicles are mostly spread on 1 - 6 levels. 10 is imho too much.

Plus their power could be optimized by adding custom loadouts in future.

BR spread is extremely frustrating. If there’s not option to have, I would sacrifice a lot.

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Loadouts could change vehicle’s BR depending on which loadout you’ll choose ( for example PZ IV short barrel could be BR 2 - 3 depending if you choose tonpick heats or not) . Making more vehicle variety through BR levels.
It could be very interesting, but it would take a lot of work.


They didn’t say no. But it’s unlikely we will see the feature soon.

Correct the lmg of the Japanese paratroopers it should Type 96 not Type 11. Type 1 was never used by them. Also make the foldable Type 100 smg for paratrooper not medics.

Add working removable scope on Type 96 lmg. It’s already modeled.

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It’s obvious it will not be soon.

But if you’re planing important stuff as Tech tree is, you have to take in consideration your future plans.

But I think vehicle balance is overexaggerated anyway.
More often there’s vehicle vs infatry combat than vehicle vs vehicle encounters. If infantry has way how to efficiently destroy every vehicle on its BR level, everything is fine for me personally.

10 BR leves just for the sake of vehicles would be nonsense. Especially if BR spread would be price for it.


probably gonna inflate the price, like with the bronze order upgrade conversion(hopefully not as bad thou )

I agree.

However just yesterday I played a Moscow match… got bored and took out my t34.

Enemy only had pz2…

If there’s even just +/- 1 br tier spread (with only 5 tier total instead of 10), then this scenario will constantly be a thing, which would make newcomers meet end game Moscow vehicles (and pps42/43)…

If tiers are locked, then yes, 5 tiers would be plenty enough.

(But spreading bolt actions up over tier 3/5, is just retarded).


Yeah, if tiers wouldn’t be locked… 5 isn’t enough.

But I really hope for locked tiers if there’s any chance.

Non-locked Tiers would make progress extremely unsatisfying. Getting better equipment would be meaningless cuz there would be always RNG that you’ll be put with your whole setup against players with better stuff… Right until top tier.
With locked Tiers, your progress is way more significant.
But yeah, Meta will be more obvious.


The mistake with the proposed levels system was to copy WOT’s 10 tier system instead of WT’s almost 40 tier system. There is too much compression. When you throw in tier spread there will be unpleasant matches more often that not. That’s before you consider the actual nonsense of where things are placed. Throwing the whole thing in the bin and starting again is what was needed but it seems they have stuck with it.

I know they rely on us falling for sunk cost fallacy but I didn’t expect them to indulge in it themselves.

Why is Luftwaffe shotung not available for Axis plane fighters and attackers? Would be nice with this addition


I’m really just sad they consider bolt actions, like the vg2, a 6 star weapon. They place those, at tier 3/5, which is to say they didn’t switch anything.

Sure they got 10 bullets instead of 5. Big deal, it shouldn’t warrant such a ludicrous tier increase…

All bolties would fit well in tier 2/5 maximum (or tier 3/10 max).

Devs have strange definitions of battle rating. Especially with some pistols being middle tier…


Yeah, but with exception to GL. I think it’s not problem to put them on 3/5.

Oh yeah forgot about those (I don’t really use em). Both type can indeed be higher tier.

But meh.

All of this is just hopes, I doubt they’ll change anything for the better since they didn’t in 20 days.

Just tired of it.


when you will do something with bots lying in front of player so he sees only that bot?
when you will teach the bots to turn to enemy by face?
when you will teach the bots to dont block building staing at building place?
when you will teach the bots to get to or out of building by window ?
when you will do something with grenades unable to kill at 2 m distance?
when you will do something with rifle grenade flying through the enemy body?
when you will do something with fact that if i slightly scratch a plane i get kill credits if plane crashes?

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IDK. I STILL think the biggest problem is 1-3 humans on one team vs 6-9 humans on the other team. I would rather have 10 humans with bolties and PZ II’s than bots with ZH-29’s and Tigers. Honestly, with the hitting power changes for bolties vs. semi-auto and the basic commonality for all SMG’s the infantry can EASILY do 5 tiers. Even planes are relatively balanced (except for a couple of bombers) from beginning to end. The only massive difference is in the capability of the tanks. And with everyone having demo charges and TNT even that can be dealt with in 5 tiers.


Maybe make the default ammo load for most things 50% more than stock. Other than bolts which usually turn out to be adequate, you can run through it insanely quickly and you don’t always have the opportunity to plop down an ammo box nor do you always have a team capable of doing it for you :pensive:
Also gib AKT more ammunition or fix the kick please :sob:

tl;dr need more boolet

I think this applies to every facet of life. You can never have too much boolet.

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40k has taught me the three pillars of battle
Firepower, Firepower, and more Firepower
Proper applications of which can overcome any obstacle

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