Making Enlisted a Better Place №1

It’s a little offensive how much anger this caused. Let this be a lesson for us - to understand the situation and only then swear.


Ok guys, give them some slack, some of you are blatantly rude.

I am their greatest critic but I am also a software developer and consultant and know what they go trough.

Management often gives unrealistic targets these days…


i missed this new thread.

thanks for @114857834 ping me so i could see it lol.

this sounds nice on paper.

although, we wouldn’t have been here if it wasn’t for many other changes that brought us to have issues in the first place :frowning:


all good so far

now this, is banger.

this is actual stuff that everyone genually needs.

looking foward for more but i do hope adress to the current issues ( such as the silver orders gets sooner for the others )


Very good, thank you! All this makes life a bit easier for engineers, and makes them more useful.
I usually run a full engineer II squad and I have an engineer in almost all of my other squads.

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I play a lot and rarely meet active engineers. although a team with a good engineer is much closer to winning.


So just on topic of engineers:
-rally points win games as we all know, why is there a 5s timeout on spawning on one though? This only makes players spam 2 of them in the same location, because otherwise:
-spawning at rally points is pain, because timeouts. Way too often you are 1 sec away from spawing only to be pushed back 5s, it’s so annoiyng i would stop putting rallys if not for the fact that they win games.
-there is no way to order bots to construct them, other than to have 2 engineers in squad, and than you still have to be a second engineer. The order itself is buggy as hell, there is no indication if it even registered, bots will go away if you spam it, and they will just leave it if you go away.
-Engineers should not be a high level unlock, right now in tunesia we have max 1-2 players putting one up (including me, so often it’s 0-1).
-even in normandy where they are low level, no new players use them, there is no tutorial for them and all the issues above make it even worse.
tldr: 5 second rally timeout makes no sense because players can stack them anyway, this just gives more advantage to team that is already in better situation

Also one point i forgot, no one uses them because it’s 5x less xp than just killing anything on map. When someone realizes it’s winning them games thats when they start to do it

Top engineer should be the person with the most engineering points NOT the person with the most kills as engineer


Oh I got a bug for you

Non-penetrating hits on the Premium Jumbo damage the breech
Penetrating hits of any sort will knock out the breech and leave everything else utterly unharmed
The APCR can barely penetrate any of the German vehicles

APCR sucks dick from WT, but its to a concerning unusual level here

Was never penetrated here but the breech is damaged


I raised these issues with the developers separately. I think the fix will be released very soon.


But they are useful even to you. Is always.
Spawning closer to enemies means getting more frags.

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Speaking about perks, I have one issue with rerolling them, very recently I’ve decided to use my accumulated “retraining points” on one of my pilots (4 Stars / Rank) to spend them on perks I want.

First 3 perks were the ones I want, but on 4th one I’ve spent exactly 17 retraining points (all I had left) and still not get the one I want to have, 17 tries for one perk, that is way too much of lottery that really needs to get better.

@Keofox If you can pass this on to Dev team, please tell them to at least make it 6 random perks to choose from (instead of 3 as currently) and if not enough perks are available just a blank spot/s in selection menu.
It still will be random but much more player friendly (or bring back retraining points :wink:).

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I know they are usefull, is use theam always.
I just wish more players did, so i point out some issues.
Or should i just keep handing out flyers to every player every match begging them to use engineers

This is very useful. Yesterday a player asked in chat for an ammo box, but I did not know where, and in the heat of battle there was no way asking where he was. So I built one in the general vicinity of the front. (Later, in battle report, I saw this box was used, but who knows whether by the one who asked for it or by another player?)
This update makes things much easier.

Also about spawning points. Is it possible to give exp for destroying enemy’s since they are that important?

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These changes are really nice, but that is not all attention engineer deserves.
Current engineers are not rewarded properly on the end of the match for doing their job because engineer award only count most kills. This award needs to be changed so that the most effective engineers will be rewarded.
Support classes doing support job also deserve chance on place in battle heroes tab.

Lastly, I wonder what happened with the plans to develop AI squad “stances” (aka agressive, passive, defensive). It has been entire months since we had any update regarding this feature, and I think we should at least know whether this was scrapped or not.


Let me linkify that for you. :slight_smile:

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Ah, also very important thing about engineers - let at least them see what the next point will be. It’s impossible to fortify capture point if you don’t know where it is.


Why random at all? If the soldier was told to practice grenade throwing, will he happen to practice climbing because he throws the grenades on top of the building?

With no retraining points and high XP requirements in my opinion ON SECOND ATTEMPT NO GAMBLING necessary.

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@Keofox can we get a fix on Tunis uniforms?

Give Germans squads a generic trooper uniform or motorcycle squad uniform at least until they receive a proper one.

Same thing with Italian summer hats.

Having Normandy Zeltbahn smocks really ruins the immersion. :confused:

You already have it developed and in game, someone just needs to mess around with the database a little.