Making Enlisted a Better Place №1

Announcing a new weekly series to help make Enlisted a better game!

Each update of “Making Enlisted a Better Place” will focus on a particular aspect of the game or a particular mechanic, where we’ll fix bugs or add interesting features.

The realized improvements will mostly or even completely be based on the feedback you leave in the special topics and discussions on the online communities.


Each class plays a role in victory. Every class will do better if the Engineer assists in it. A jack of all trades is useful both defensively and offensively. This chapter focuses more on improving the Engineer building experience and teamwork.


A long-awaited improvement. You can now rotate any engineering structure before confirming the start of the building process. By default the rotation happens clockwise by pressing “R” for PC, “X” for Xbox and the “square” button for Playstation.

From now on there is no need to run out in front of enemy fire to clarify the position of an artillery cannon or sandbags!

Also, the projection of the mobile assembly point now shows the direction in which the squad leader will be looking. Help your allies get their bearings faster, and they’ll thank you for it.


It would be useful for all players to make team Engineers more aware of their comrades’ needs. Your allies can now request an ammo box or mobile assembly point.

The new commands are available in the “Ask…” submenu. And the players who made the request will be displayed for a while on the minicard, if your squad has an Engineer.


Have you ever seen the time when, after setting up a structure whilst lying down, your Engineer literally couldn’t reach it with their awesome hammer? You have to crawl a little closer, wasting time and risking being detected.

We fixed that defect. Hammers at the ready!


  • Updated the leaderboard chart for Events. Now it correctly calculates the number of battles and percentage of wins. First places will no longer be occupied by players that participated in only one battle.
  • Reset the Operations: “Sandstorm” leaderboard. Also you will be able to get additional rewards as Silver orders. The Event has been prolonged and will be available until October 22 (13:00 UTC).
  • Fixed missing button to upgrade a soldier when having insufficient bronze orders.
  • PC: Fixed bug when sometimes animation and sound were missing when shooting a cannon.
  • The ability to rotate structures, before setting them up, has been added and may be accomplished by pressing “R” on PC, “X” on Xbox and “square” on Playstation (default keys).
  • When building a “Rally point” an arrow will now display which indicates the direction that allies are facing after they spawn.
  • New fast commands in the “Ask…” menu have been added: “Need ammunition box” and “Need rally point”.
  • Other players who have requested an ammo box or a “Rally point” will now be marked (for you) with the proper icons if there is an active Engineer in your Squad.
  • A bug which caused an inability to continue constructing a structure, which was set while the player was in the prone position, has been fixed.


Our team regularly checks the most important forum topics for your feedback, and reports back to devteam when we notice issues with gameplay mechanics and ideas for improving the game. We watch our communities and other Enlisted sites so that one day you’ll see your idea in the update notes or in this weekly series.

So share, suggest, and report!


So we can’t actually move the already built AT guns or am I reading that incorrectly? So if I want to shift an AT gun I would still have to rebuild it?


No fix of FW-190. Fail :slight_smile:


Back the old retraining points system


where is weapon rework an alternative way to get silver orders?


so i would assume the FW 190 bug reports are not a part of these topics, correct?


nor does solve the problem of the scarcity of silver orders


“Fresh mechanic” added. Its the ranked events lolol


what do you mean? they just added an event where you can get an impressive 2 orders! :crazy_face:


Want to help engineers? Give us AT guns that can actually destroy high level enemy tanks (panther, jumbo etc) instead of just making more and more heavily armored vehicles and allow us to actually move the AT gun after its made. Oh and how about some more APCR ammo?


Don’t forget to reload it. 8 AT shells and rehammer it again and again and again…


Others: I could like this way of development if it works, can we focus on the engineering for now and hope that silver orders will be next week’s topic, then FW-190 afterwards? :slight_smile: I agree with the frustration, but please don’t break possible engineer improvements with the other truckload of issues. :slight_smile:


  • when you put your rally down and last second does not finish stating the “blocked by other object”, that other object is mostly yourself - if that’s the case then please please change the text to “Building blocked - you are too close” or similar
  • double or even triple blueprints overlapping in the same place, even triggering messages like “you don’t have enough materials” or something like that; originally wished one is impossible to be built
  • when I was downed while building, but kept the mouse button pressed, the progress circle remained, even displayed progressing while the new squad was deployed (of course I died before new squad deployed, but spawn screen suggested my soul is still building).

This is cool. All of these changes are good ones.

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This feature is planned for the future.

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I appreciate your sarcasm. But even more I would appreciate a link to such a topic.

Do I need to open new suggestions/bug reports for the ones targeting engineering I wrote above, or is it OK to list them here?

Btw. the improvements are nice, thx! :slight_smile:

Any one link. Please.

Oh my God. They don’t even know how to use their forum search.

excuse me? did you guys just delete my post where i showed the bug reports?

i am not trying to be rude i just want the issue resolved as it has been present for a while now


Imo it would be better if I could hold R and use my mouse to rotate the building. It would be more smooth and more importantly, I will be able to turn things counterclockwise :stuck_out_tongue: