Making Enlisted a Better Place №1

What is the status for getting bronze for dismissing soldiers?
It is already a week since the soldier progression update hit and I haven’t heard anything official about that matter. In an update post, you/the developers stated that we can dismiss soldiers (and later weapons) for bronze.
Have you changed mind?
Have you forgot about?
Will you include it?
Have you scrapped the idea?


it was no longer convenient to make at guns rotatable directly using it :thinking:

Buff AA gun traverse speed and magazine size. If you are afraid of them being soley used against infantry (which is currently all they are good for) lock the elevation so it cant be used against them and only against planes. Engineers are my favorite class but really the only good thing they have are rally points and ammo and that is a shame

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They have already deleted my messages. Another lie, now censorship.


Please, I’m just asking for a link. Not a picture, but a link. So that I can help you.

I am not your enemy and I want to solve the problem as soon as possible. Submit the problem to the developers. I know how to use search, but I wanted to ask you the most relevant topic TO YOUR LOOK.


it’s like a politician. Removes bad questions for him, avoids answering and changes the topic of conversation only that is convenient for him.

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Fix this pls. Its one year old bugs. When this things will be fixed?
Things that need to be fixed - #3 by 107975813

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here is one from a rather long while ago, the oldest one i saw with a 5 minute search, where one of the devs replied saying they would fix it. but as more recent bug reports also suggest it still has the same problem in game to this day

this bug also happens 100% of the time, so it is very easily recreatable in practice mode.

all the reports mentions pretty much the exact same problem with the guns, with some also including wobbly a flight model (this one here does not)

here is another one with some other issues people find with the aircraft

and a few more

and another one responded to by the same dev

this is not meant to be rude, i know you are not my enemy. and i apologize if you got that impression. and also, these changes are great :heart:

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Great, not addressing anything about the new change that makes extreme hard to change perks.
12800 for a perk change of rank 5 soldier, and, can not store any extra soldier XP after full level.
Trying players’ limit like WT?


I hope not.
But that wouldn’t be the first time something has been announced and never made it into the game.

What are you planning to do with this recent change? We need more ways to get silver orders. Escpecially for f2p players. Please listen to us. You will lose players who are giving money if you lose f2p players.


lately of stuff announced and forgotten I agree, at least now we can have fun playing tretris in the buildings :rofl:

We have not given up. This feature will be released in one of the next updates.




We previously announced that we would try to find a solution to this problem. We’ll try to get some of the Silver Tickets out of the Battle Pass.

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We found a bug due to which you can not lose more than one perk from a soldier. We will fix it soon.


Спасибо !

Glad it is a bug and not intentional!