Lack of balance on the German side

That this game has serious game balance problems is nothing new, but lately this is more evident than ever, I don’t just play on the German side, I also play with the Soviets and Americans, who also suffer from this problem, but it seems that on the German is more apparent, as you level up, I’m almost done with tier 5 German, and this is an impossible task, as I can’t get victory points, since winning a game is becoming impossible, among the other flags I play, ( ussr and usa ) the percentage of victories on the German side is the lowest of all, and this problem is due to matches with an extremely unbalanced team, with players of very low rank and without any playing experience, in matches with very few experienced players with good equipment, facing opponents of higher rank and higher ranked equipment, I constantly enter matches where most of the team is using kar98 and driving sd.kfz, to face opponents using p47 and m4a2


Player problems, not team problems. You’ll get entire teams of germans that don’t dare set foot near the point, then other matches you’ve got king tigers blowing up every enemy tank while panzergrenadiers destroy the infantry.

It happens. Could be the time of day you play.


Some premium players thought it would be funny to spam P47s and Corsairs in a game I was in. My team had no Airplanes, and I almost cried.


I agree with you, sometimes we join a good team and sometimes we don’t, but it’s different you are in a team made up mostly of new and inexperienced players, to face veteran players of higher rank, my criticism is external for the lack of balance of rank of players within the same team, it is different if you lose a match being in a team of similar rank due to lack of organization, and another thing is if you lose the match because your team started playing today


But… but this topic was only 17d ago:

Funny how things work.

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With how things are going things are changing and who knows where it will go but one thing I do know though If clans do get involved it will not be fun especially if we reach steam



All I ever seem to get playing solely the US is incompetent teammates and near godtier Krauts who know how to rain Hell on me while I have 0 support
The ONLY way I can consistently win is to bring my friend in so I have at bare minimum 1 competent teammate who can help me multitask winning the game


I swear the moment I have to fight 4 stacks every match is the moment I become a plane main instead of a near sole infantry player

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Simply saying “the Germans always win and have the best weapons and the strongest tank in the game” has led dozens of incompetents to play them. Personally I play all factions both BR2 and BR5 and I have noticed very balanced games. It depends above all on the players you find.

Lack of balancing in matchmaking, you say?

I may have misjudged this post by its heading. Germans do have the more powerful equipment on high BRs, but I agree that the teams you get make all the difference.

And it’s not always a skill issue. For example, I get matched too frequently against German Pz.IV J players when I’m at BR2 with a PTRS-41 (which their tank is immune against) so I can’t actually stop them from rampaging even though I know I had to. And the frequency at which an attacker plane keeps wrecking because noone has AA construction or automatic weapons to damage it…

The matchmaking and the current progression system don’t seem to go together well and there’s usually one side that’s underequipped in at least one department.

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This is due to the stupid FOMO event.
Veteran players started stacking factions other than Germany because of the 50 rally use task which was much easier to complete with any other faction.
As always, things will revert back after the event, I’m already back on playing Germany since Soviets also learned how to play rallies a few days ago.

But honestly, there should be a real incentive to play underdog like +25% XP or silver gain.

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hehe, that’s funny as i only started playing USSR few days ago.

Can say the USSR have, worst rally use rate in game. lol

I build them, they just don’t use them?, can understand if people leaving to do this task in another faction :smile:

if the incentive for playing a loosing side is less than 50% extra, winning by default with a team (basic 1.5 bonus for winning) will still net more silver than loosing with the underdog team.

if the incentive is less than 100%, people will still go to the winning side, cause less stressful and easier to play and farm the underdog team.

if the incentive is pure XP instead of silver, playing with a faction in which such XP is not useful is still a factor for not going for the incentive by playing the underdog.

incentives are the way to go, but it must be a solid reward, balanced and useful enough as to force you to make a choice, which is actually very simple:

“do i accept i will most probably loose while earning more (and more useful) rewards, or do i choose to go for certain win, earning less (and less useful) rewards in a less stressing enviroment?”

if the choice is win earning X resources or loose earning X resources, while X being equal, which one would people choose?

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Many incomplete BR4-5 with just Horn STG, especially in Germany - Mess Room - Enlisted
The stronger the equipment, the more players there are; The more players, the more noobs, and the weaker the country; The weaker the country, the more equipment needs to be strengthened.
German are best,so noobs are most.

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Puting my academic studies here. It’s exactly what I’ve said. Ppl who whined endlessly about axis (or any faction for that matter) equipment were wrong. It’s all about how many players are behind the keyboard:



WTF German snipers~~~the teammates is why we can’t win

look just 3 engineers.
When the attackers pursue the damn KD, they never know what is truth for the eating french fries

thats why i said too many newbees who never know how to win and hope the victory choose German to begin their Enlisted , too many fence-sitters with terrible skill issue. the German have the best weaponry.
you know~The number of rally points and related scores often determine which side the victory belongs to.



It’s not the guns. I, and many others, win using Mosin wielding peasants riflemen. Because we charge the points and defend them.

When the team is full of Vasily, we lose even with superior equipped players.

It’s the truth for all factions. Has been for a while.

Tunisia symptoms aren’t gone with war thunder update. Popular factions are stacked, until the trend grows stale and populations switches sides.


Part of the reason is that the developers didn’t make normal capture rates and number of reinforcements. They changed them, but…
Many maps were ignored, many even after the change have advantages of one side over the other.
The reasons are layered on top of each other.
Hopefully each faction will fight 2 other factions.
And in doing so, the developers will still be able to equalize online. But it seems to me that newbies don’t stick around… The game for nubs is still uncomfortable because of the strange prices of weapons and the lack of training modes that give 1 time gold or some amount of silver, as in war thunder