I had 2x Germany army’s
but due the fact, i never played USSR, except test, ussr is not researched,
Hence if i load Germany army i am going to Moscow,
i had 1 game on Moscow, i actually ticked join any army,
thinking it would only give me army i have, not to throw me into Ussr maps,
is all white, not good for eyes, hence why i never played that campaign.
so i find myself reduced to just playing Japan, or US,
and even then i cant get the maps i would like to play at high or low br,
if i wish to play US on pacific, i can end up in Tunisia,
and now there added Normandy to low lvl maps, makes me getting into Pacific even harder.
the only thing this merge has done is monetarized the whole game.
before you research a tree squad get the xp, unlock it,
now you have to research all that XP, but then you have to pay silver, for that unit, that was once free.
built in to that, with the merge, is also, making you to then research other tanks/planes/guns from campaign you never did, before you get what you just researched, and yes you still then have to buy it.
Add events that encourage you get XP in short time, for those who work, have a life etc, makes for some scummy game play, hence you have all the Gold ranks dropping down to BR II due to maps, being locked, this just crazy.