"Soviets suffer?" A study of changing trends by Joe

Those are just from one example, but since this morning I’ve won all matches as Soviets (low br, I dislike end war)

It’s like I’ve said multiple times before: equipment is mostly irrelevant for balance. It’s all just a big fashion trend…

And now, (since 3 days at least), talking Russian is the new black, while talking German is out.

My point: Posts complaining about “other factions” arms and tanks, are useless. (Until I get my Pershings.)

Good day to all and Happy New Year in advance! (keep building Christmas trees)


i mean there is literally 1 gold rank german there so that is pretty much expected


It’s exactly my point:

Where are all the big bad german stackers, eh?


It’s just changing trends of what most ppl play at the moment(but I say that balancing needs lot of work).
It mostly goes to teams cooperation and skill level. You either are lucky and play nation that most skilled ppl currently play or not

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Imagine for one second that there are people that win all the time but still complain about balance issues.

Just because you play well doesn’t mean the game is perfect. Balance issues need to be adresses regardless of personal performance or biases.


Gold rank, should NOT play against low lvl new players make a safe BR for them to learn.

Yes Gold rank, doesn’t mean your good, but more how many winning teams you get or BH.

But if your gold, you have also played more than enough, not to be in BR I-II, yes peeps playing low due to maps being BR locked.

You will never retain new player, if there constantly, exposed to Gold, who will just zerg, how are they ever going to earn xp, in a 7 min match to lvl up?


fighting against me in br5 russian and US since i see most of them there

on a side note br5 russian aint so bad as long as you aint playing to win and i find it somewhat fun somehow oh and easy win for rally quest

only need this event Ussr assault squad, and i have made a BR V line up, and don’t even have the medics researched, but i can make a BR V lol

PS can some one please tell me why i was able to buy this in USSR tree when i have nothing researched?

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yea luckily i got some br4 russian gear before merge but i did buy 3 russian premium and gotta say they are really good it just that most german are there sadly

oh and i definitely might keep using the paratrooper since they are nice for me (even tho i dont have the premium version)

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I fear you missed the entire point of my post, but sure…

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Joe is right.

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Your point is people have no reason to complain, my point is people indeed have a reason to complain.

How did I miss your post?

update 2

Merge has fixed nothing

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Joe is not talking about personal skills. It is obvious if you look at the screenshot and what he is saying.
It appears to me that you are not understanding the main point of the OP.

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My point is MAINS have no reason to complain, because of weaponry, or supposed faction dominance, because it’s all just trends. (except maybe impact nades, those suck and perhaps should be tier V, because)

Game flaws, such as br 3 facing br 1 & 5 and stuff like this, should be addressed, sure.

You missed the point.
(also, seriously, my post title says all “a study of changing trends…”)


Faction population never mattered at all, you can’t balance that anyways, I agree on that, didn’t know people needed to talk about that.

I had 2x Germany army’s
but due the fact, i never played USSR, except test, ussr is not researched,

Hence if i load Germany army i am going to Moscow,
i had 1 game on Moscow, i actually ticked join any army,
thinking it would only give me army i have, not to throw me into Ussr maps,
is all white, not good for eyes, hence why i never played that campaign.

so i find myself reduced to just playing Japan, or US,
and even then i cant get the maps i would like to play at high or low br,
if i wish to play US on pacific, i can end up in Tunisia,
and now there added Normandy to low lvl maps, makes me getting into Pacific even harder.

the only thing this merge has done is monetarized the whole game.

before you research a tree squad get the xp, unlock it,
now you have to research all that XP, but then you have to pay silver, for that unit, that was once free.

built in to that, with the merge, is also, making you to then research other tanks/planes/guns from campaign you never did, before you get what you just researched, and yes you still then have to buy it.

Add events that encourage you get XP in short time, for those who work, have a life etc, makes for some scummy game play, hence you have all the Gold ranks dropping down to BR II due to maps, being locked, this just crazy.



It’s the most common type of post out there! Soon after the war thunder update released, what we observed was a big influx of Axis and Japan players, to the detriment of the other 2 factions.

Then, (and my post is targeted at those ppl) we got many geniuses asking to nerf this, boost that, and even ignore battle ratings to favour, or handicap, certain factions.

What I’m saying is boosting or nerfing things, is irrelevant. because all there is, are trends ppl follow, because of game flaws:

  • Those oh so important ranks. ppl farm them, they all congregate in easy, trendy factions.
  • No incentive to play less popular factions, such as bonus xp or whatnot.
  • No incentive to remain in an unfair, obviously doomed match

And some really, really foolish people, want to DOUBLE DOWN on those flaws and ask for more penalty for desertion! (which will only reinforce all the aforementioned problems)

Until DF tries to correct what I call the “trend factor”, things won’t change…

A study by Conscript_Joe, humble Enlisted player.


yea but the advantage of playing any map with snow or white surface is it super easy to spot enemy that didnt use snow camo

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I am sure it would be considering my army’s are from Tunisia/Normandy. :smile:

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