Many incomplete BR4-5 with just Horn STG, especially in Germany

they always love 4J tank

They used simple firearms of Br1-3 and struggled against Br4-5

they just have Horn STG

The stronger the equipment, the more players there are; The more players, the more noobs, and the weaker the country; The weaker the country, the more equipment needs to be strengthened.
Jokes about loops.

To be serious, team up is the best way to win.

How to make everyone consciously return to their suitable BR?

By the way,fence-sitters who play stronger and didn’t even understand BR system have already begun to flood into the USA.
Today in Germany is tomorrow in USA.

Tldr: owning one high BR weapon (even if it’s only BR3) will cause you to face BR5 doomstacks.

A big downside or BR system is even worse thanks to the poor design.

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Who win has already been depended on which side has more numbers of complete BR5 players in most times

Yeah this is really nice, I can finally farm easily with my M2 Carbine now.

Honestly this had to be expected giving mediocre BR 5 squads aavailable to anyone through event was sure to flood one or more faction with inexperienced players.