You will not defeat the defenders of Germany Especially when it comes to end game Unless you work together

You cannot defeat us unless you come at us with combined arms and work together Playing solo at BR5 is a death sentence you need a team if you’re gonna beat us or hope there’s a local death stack in the area to do all the work for you.

ensure there are some mystical solo players out there who can carry the entire team against an entire team of Germans but those players are not common enough to make a difference so if you wanna kill us you’re gonna need to work together.

And if you’re solo player there’s no shame in quitting Especially if you’re an F2P player going up against premium players


Yes at a minimum 4 good player are needed


Eh, can one be more cringe?

And please end your “we” and “us” immediately. Makes me wanna kill myself.


do it then because I’m not changing unless they add a campaign Where the Americans and the Soviets are gonna fight to the death so overall I’m gonna be staying as the Germans forever.

and if they added warhammer cosmetics I would become the Death Korps of Krieg with the cosmetics


So overall the imperium of man shall not fall and we will destroy all the filthy xenos and heretic scum

Oh yeah and there’s lots of explosions and chemical weapons and horrifying things in there it would be a perfect apocalypse paradise


idk what you are talking about… i have ~65% WR with US against germans.

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Well isn’t someone lucky then so maybe you should beat into the heads of your colleagues and point out that Germans are not so powerful then

and i have >90% WR with germans… all solo play in both factions. so there is clear german advantage.


That ofc leads us to ask why the Germans never were able to do that in Moscow, SG Early Normandy, and Berlin Phase.

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When the allies and Soviets struggle to build rally point for some reason that’s kind of debatable

When Berlin first came out the Soviets kicked the german’s ass and everyone knows moscow’s cursed when it comes to 20 round Beretta at level 30 for the Germans

images (7)


If they caught them off guard maybe but I am talking about warhammer40k not the creeks marines

this guy is literally talking smack because most of the playerbase is playing germany, this post actually hurts me intellectually.


Oh no, it’s the Tardenburger-regiment.

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When all of those deadweights come to our side we have to look after the snipers and the ones who don’t wanna build rally points and carry their fat ass to victory and sure we do get a good few turncoats on our side but most of them are mostly dead weight

Same for me. All good player are queing with germany to get easy win. Also, it makes the event grind chill and fast to do. I’m not am playing to defend anything, unlike some people with specific opinions it seems.

So Germans need superior toys to be good as well?
I see a pattern.


I will not bother to play against Germany until devs fix the impact Grenade.

It is pure and extreme incompetence they still didn’t do so. It is as gamebreaking as soviet para boxes. Shame on them.


Everyone knows the 20 round Beretta was rubbish in the Moscow campaign at level 30 you’re still better off using MP40

Just use teamwork, dude.