You will not defeat the defenders of Germany Especially when it comes to end game Unless you work together

We didn’t have much of that where you could still choose Moscow as a Campaign you could only play

I think when the PPSh hit Moscow there was Normandy and probably Berlin.

I will start on your king tiger

But then I do wonder why did you left



Which server do I go to play with Shiivex? :thinking:

Because I bumped into a team who knows how to use the mechanics I’m afraid of and I’m just trying to complete my event stuff and the Soviets are not weak they just lacking the players for some reason right now

Eastern Europe

i feel sorry for you play only OP faction what wins easy matches.


kinda :clown_face:


I’d rather play the big action mod but that doesn’t give me XP or any of the event stuff so I’m stuck playing public matches I don’t enjoy.

And I’ve got no incentive to stay around as a solo player I got nothing to lose

→ complains about germany’s being ““nerfed”” ( despite it’s the most faction with the highest win rates because of popolation and no such things were actually done )

→ complains about opponents and bots on the enemy team

→ makes " Y o u C a n ’ t D e f e a t U s " thread and claims if you don’t team up you will not defeat the third reich defenders. ( his actual words )

→ gets defeated when people group up

→ leaves and make some shit exscuses

you’re not just a clown. you’re the entire fucking circus.


Yes but I’m playing solo and I know what happens when you work together in a stack there’s not enough XP to go around if you’re trying to get certain things done

that’s quite a cope out. if not THE.

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That may be true but this game doesn’t reward you for working together or acting as the backbone of your team so I have no incentives to stay around


so you do complain about others leaving, but it’s all good if you do it?

can you be at least be self aware of what the actual heck you’re talking about ?


Man I wish I had some popcorn this shit wild.

Watching wehraboo’s get bullied is kinda funny.


totally agree with this one. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve never said leaving was a bad thing and I’ve done plenty of matches where I Fight the players to death on Xbox so I have no reason to bring it to PC

Until earlier this summer Greyparrots was a relatively decent guy. He was polite, made meaningful suggestions, and participated in normal conversations.
Then something happened to him.
Now he is an annoying person who tries to get other people’s attention by saying suggestive things and starting threads that provoke people.
Perhaps he really wants to chat with people and make friends.


No thank you I just want a belt fed MG and functional defenses for engineers which are not made of wet paper.

And something did change I started experimenting with the game I found interesting things on how you could duplicate MG nests and things like that and even drop the RM50 to your team and start spreading that out so everyone can have it and if you give it to an engineer squad and he dies the other engineer can pick it up and just keep reloading the weapon.