You will not defeat the defenders of Germany Especially when it comes to end game Unless you work together

And if you give body armor to Soviet flame trooper with his vitality Perks and stack with more vitality and then knocked down Perks that becomes a very interesting soldier

Bold of you to asume that, from my experience the Axis playerbase is terribly bad and completely brain dead.

It just seems right now alot of top tier player have gathered right now to abuse the Tiger II H and get easy wins.


They are but they have a little bit more intelligence than the Soviets for some reason

Dont worry, i too left matches for various reasons, but after this post i assumed you would stay for the fight. its just hard to understand your thinking tho when the match just… started.

also, we almost lost on last point.

i have any server ticked, so its random :slight_smile:


So… You see certain weapons in the feed and, based on that, desert matches?

That’s about the craziest nonsense I’ve read in a very long time.


What!? gray parrot is in America server? Why haven’t I seen him before I have seen you a couple of time already before merge but I guess you changed server now?

I mean I do that as Soviet br3 before since gambling is a pain anyway I think I seen you in Pacific br4 before with your friend I assume (since I remember them cheering you)

Didn’t know that was a thing probably gonna try it since America server are too predictable to me now

Funny how doomer you were prior to the merge, making multiple posts complaining about the soviets, commenting complaints about the soviets on other peoples posts, but now that Germany benefits from having a unified high population player base you start posturing as confident. “yOu cAN NoT deFeaT uS”

PoorParrots V 2


No, in the past few days, I have won easily in the battles between the BR5 US Army and the German Army.
I don’t want to knock you, but the quality of the BR5 Deutschland these days… has dropped so fast that it worries me.
Maybe German BR5 will become a difficult camp to win in the near future, because as far as I know there are some assholes who are using the mechanism of BR3 to find low-level room matching. If they enter BR5, they will quit immediately.
This has resulted in a lot fewer German players in BR5

Moreover, the situation of the German BR5 army is not optimistic. They must fight against the US and Soviet troops at the same time. This means that even if the US and German players in BR5 are the same, some German troops will be diverted to the Soviet battlefield.
If the number of Soviet players increases, the German army will face a complete defeat.


It is not difficult for the US military to defeat the German army in BR5


This is the best meme i’ve seen, thanks XD

1 Like

Having more players on your side doesn’t mean they’re all intelligent and you can actually reload that thing by giving it to an engineer squad

Nationality is a sus thing to bring into the argument.

Germany: FG42 II, Kurz, Conders, STG, Kiraly… yeah. You like to farm, I guess?

No I like to fight with a team which is vaguely working together and not lead a bunch of special players.

And with Shiivex lovely picture you can see we already lost teammates so I’m not fighting a team with a half team.

That’s a side-topic.

You have said you desert if you see Asian players OR certain weapons. So, you play high tier weapons but you prefer to not face competitors with end game weapons. It’s all in words.

I’m all for everyone playing the game their own way, within reason, but this is a very interesting and non-sporting approach.

Well then you can have fun fighting Fedorov and RD-44 and AS-44 and Maxim-Tokarev then and the cursed RMN-50

And do keep in mind if they haven’t implemented the punishment for leaving yet I will take advantage of it as much as I can especially since I’m an F2P player and play solo and there’s no incentive to be an XP pinata for a good team who’s beating up my team

I play all factions. And the weapons you’re complaining about are good… but…



Anyway, enjoy. I’m moving on.


He/she is clearly Wehraboo fan boy, who only can play that faction and nothing else.


Keine Feiglinge!
Enlisted Meme - Psychoparrot I


No one will miss me and everyone said the Germans are too powerful so who cares