Improving the matchmaking for low Battle Rating

Recently, we introduced a “soft rule” for the matchmaker in Enlisted - when there are enough players available, it tries to create sessions where the maximum difference between the Battle Rating of participants is no more than one.

We have collected enough data to make this a “hard rule” for BR I. It means that BR I won’t be matched against BR III anymore, only BR II. For all other BRs, this will remain a “soft rule” for now.

Thank you for your feedback!


Nice, seal clubbers will be happy.


Hmm. Alright, that’s fine. Please, leave the rest of the BR’s alone. BR III is the most diverse and varied BR from match to match, and I’d hate to see it become monotonous like War Thunder. Fighting the same thing over and over again while my teammates all have the same thing over and over again. Doesn’t sound fun to me. Enlisted is fun to me


Fantastic news


thats the way to go! the more distinct and intrinsically balanced BR environments there are, the better. since most players are playing br1-2, its great that this environment is taken care of now.


Wonderful! Now work towards making it hard (eheh) for all other brs! :smile:

+/-1 is ideal.

+/-0 ,is the dream.


Why do you want to fight the same exact thing over and over again? Monotony isn’t exactly my idea of fun in a FPS game. If you want that, go play any CoD and run an MP5 with the same attachments that everyone else uses

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I’m fine, and everyone else, is fine with the idea of +/-1! Even +/-0.


YOU my friend, are free to go play another game if it doesn’t suit your tastes! :smiley:


I’d rather enjoy the game I fell in love with, thanks. And I’ll fight to keep that game alive as long as I can. Before War Thunder: Infantry Edition kills it


What is the artillery piece in the picture???



What about this “soft rule”?

Does it exist?


it’s a sfh 18 from @tommyZZM Big action mod

anyway speaking of br.

where’s custom matches equipment / br selector that was promised?



What this news technically means is that BR I and BR II both will have it as a “hard rule”.

BR I can play against other BR Is and possibly BR IIs.
BR II can play against other BR IIs, and possibly just one of BR I or BR III (it will vary depending on the matchmaker).
BR III can play against other BR IIIs, and possibly also BR II, or BR IV, or BR IV and BR V (essentially it is unchanged for higher tiers for now, but is affected on the lower end).

It’s in-game already!


One step closer to seperating each BR from the others. We will get there. Soon. One day.


It’s what I thought: but what interests me is that they use it for an official post like this.

Might we get those pieces in the regular game? :thinking:

They’ve used pics from mods before.

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(I know… but to dream is to live! :stuck_out_tongue:)

Yes, this is fantastic as is. I love this as is. It is the last vestige of Enlisted that we have left. PLEASE, LET US KEEP THIS

All these people constantly whining and crying for ±1 and they HAVE IT ALREADY. BR I, ±1. BR II, ±1. BR IV, ±1. BR V is -2 even. Let III be what it is so that some of us can continue enjoying what we love about this game. The others have 4 whole other BR’s they can play. Please let III stay as is

Is this change in the game already, or does it come in the next update?

In game already