Improving the matchmaking for low Battle Rating

awesome :+1:t2:


Any more news for today? XD

great now section off BR5 by itself so I can enjoy good semi auto rifles at br4


I don’t know why you are

You know you can tweak your mostly br3 lineup to choose br, right? Example put one sf rifle on your mortar guy then you get to play br 5 with all the rest of your br3 lineup!

Isn’t that wonderful!

The big plus is that lower br get protected from seal clubbers. Today, br1 got saved from br3. Hopefully all brs will be protected this way, the sooner the better :smiley::smiley::smiley:


I doubt you know what the term seal clubbers means.

It certainly didn’t save the low BRs from seal clubbers. On the contrary, seal clubbers will be protected from higher BRs.

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They won’t. Regular seal clubbers are in br2. And br2 can still face br3 normally.

To seal club you need meta overpowered tools… so real seal clubbers NEVER use pure br1 lineups :thinking:

They were :man_shrugging: Now they can swap BR2 fot BR1. To even more easily farm newbies.

Sounds good. Slowly heading in a favourable direction. :saluting_face:

Can we remove 20mm auto cannon overheat and give them their better ammunition (like HVAP and API HV)

Help out the br 1 tanks



Flak pz1 and Soviet milk truck. Those should be able to down infantry in less than 3 shots…


:point_up: oh yes and that. 20/25mm and 50 cal damage vs infantry. up up up


This is likely the most ridiculous thing that’s currently in Enlisted.


Changing an X to a Y doesn’t solve the problem

Right now, III = II, III, IV, and V. So X = W, Y, and Z
You want X = X. Changing X to a Y with the system you want will do nothing but Y = Y or Z = Z or whatever have you. I want X = W, Y, Z. I want random, no choice, roll of the dice matchmaking just like Enlisted Pre Merge. BR III as it is right now gets me as close to that as possible. Let me keep BR III. You have I, II, IV, and V. That should be more than enough for you

Lol “nobody” has got IV

IV fights III, IV, and V. That is ±1. EXACTLY what you people are asking for

I think more want V by itself. And generally -+0 is the preference, -+1 is the “at minimum”


you can always take bolties to BR5 for some variety…


You missed the entire point of what I literally just said. Changing X to Y only changes X=X to Y=Y

Whatever. I genuinely don’t care. III is more fun as it is now than it would be in ±1. If this ever happens, I hope you enjoy your constant uptiers

I have always been fine with the 1/1, but keep BR3 allies and Japanese out of BR5.


Please also remove BR I and II from late war locations. This is a change that won’t affect matchmaking time whatsoever, and not having to see PzII or AB41 in The Battle of The Bulge or Normandy will definitely be an improvement to the gaming experience.