Why the hell only us vs japan forced III-V bracket matching

To be fair V Japs isn’t the worst experience fighting against because of the equipment, although all the made up equipment certainly isn’t helping, but rather because those are the absolute sweatiest players in the entire game. Bar. None.

Everyone has the soft rule dude. All factions are still I-II, II-III, and III-V. There’s simply only a soft rule to make as many flat and III-IV/IV-V matches as possible given there’s enough players to do so. So calm down. All factions are literally equal, DF just doesn’t lie to the Allies and Japs about their potential enemies

No. It’s false. There is no said soft rule applied for us-japan matching.

There literally is. Trust me buddy, I’ve had flat III’s and III-IV matches as the US. The problem you find yourself in is that Japan has no III players, as Japan has no real III lineup. We once more come to a player base issue and not a game issue

스크린샷 2025-02-04 005540
USA set as br3. you can see br2-3 bracket and br3-5 bracket. Therefore II - V under start button.
스크린샷 2025-02-04 005509
compare it with German set as br3. Now suddenly it says it’s II - IV. Interesting!
스크린샷 2025-02-04 005524
Same for Japan br3. II - V.

스크린샷 2025-02-04 005417
And if you wondering, if you set german br4, you see there’s br3-4 and br4-5, therefore br III - V

스크린샷 2025-02-04 010515
And german br5. you see br IV-V bracket.

And Japan br5, it still shows br III - V.

I don’t know if your “SOFT RULE” is like some sort of hidden stat or smt
but if it’s purely based on your own experience, i’d rather believe concrete evidence written, than your assumption based on your sensation.

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Ever heard the phrase “check yourself before you wreck yourself” before?

BR 3 Japan for me is the best match making that the game has to offer.

I find the weapons feel more equal as opposed to being BR 5 Japan and stomping uptiered BR 3 USA (The up tiered USA teams also just give up and desert because they have been up tiered).

My issue is when BR 5 Japan finally get a proper BR 5 USA Team (which is around 1/20 matches) of which i then get either a bot team or a team of deserters

I hate all Allies players. No backbone. No spine. All I got over here’s the fricking 11 year old CoD transplants. Man gimme some of them Axis teams that’ve been ripping all my teammates a new one every single match on my side. I shouldn’t have to be the sole reason anything gets done. Maybe I wanna handicap myself and play in my T99 a little without watching my entire team crumple like a paper sack

So what you’re saying is V Japs are a bunch of sweat lords who solely seal club? Gotcha

That applies only to non pacific/burma matchings.
If it would affect us - japan matchings just like any other matchings,
why when i set japan to br5, it shows br III - V, whilst german shows IV - V?
Why the inconsistency?
That “soft rule” only applies to non us - japan matchings.

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There is literally nothing anywhere that implies it’s only for Pacific/Burma. It being only for Burma wouldn’t even make sense as Burma wasn’t even out when this happened

Because the developers are lying to German and Russian players to make them feel better! Don’t believe me? Play some Russian III’s and see how many matches it takes to see an 88. I swear to you, it WILL be there at some point

Because you can’t as easily lie to the Allies and Japan cause no one would believe that bull as everyone knows Jap III is the most dead BR in the entire game

There is absolutely 0 evidence of that outside of one little UI. The forum posts, website posts, and patch notes do not support this at all

Well if you gonna start talking about “lies”, “conspiracies” and “tricking players”, i don’t know what to say bro.
You believe whatever you like to believe,
I’d rather trust DF and understand as written as.

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its pretty much like this for every faction, as soon as the wave of players has ridden out everyone switches, Japan for some games soley win because they have the player base as opposed to either new players with an event item that has up tiered them or bots

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Yeah it’s incredibly annoying.

I don’t play high BR Japan because I don’t want to touch origami prototypes, but at the same time equipping a single Garand in your army instantly sends you there.

I mean most good US player are fighting against German which is why i fully support Jap VS USSR so it can finally be fair since everyone but Jap fight 2 enemy

it mind boggling why DF havent made this a thing yet tbh

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When I play level five Japanese with my level three Allies, it’s a massacre, but when I play them with my level five Allies it’s about 50/50 depending on what I have for team mates. With my level three Allies vs level five Japanese I can somewhat hold my own with my BAR’s, but my M1 Garands are no match because I like to play aggressive, and I really can’t with the Garand vs fully auto everything the Japanese are using.

Dark Force if possible needs to vastly improve the level three Japanese weapons, otherwise there is no incentive for people playing with the Japanese to play level three. I am currently building my Japanese faction and have them maxed out in level’s one and two, and I am basically skipping building level three squads, probably like everyone else. Sure, I am buying some level three weapons, but if they are going to be playing in a level five match, there is no reason to waste time building level three squads.

So, IMOP either vastly improve the level three Japanese weapons, or completely take level three Japanese from the allies level three BR rating so someone with a level three Allied lineup should only be playing against level three Germans.

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simply, being crushed by american rocket spam XD

The low IQ groups tend to choose things that they consider scary and dangerous as their main choices (rocket planes and Shermans)
Groups with normal intelligence choose the camp that confronts them in order to stay away from the poison of the above-mentioned groups.
Even though there are some shortcomings in heavy fire support
But despite the difference in IQ, it is still difficult for the former to defeat the latter
Unless the former gets a few unfortunate victims of stupid nannies

I repeat

BR 3 Japan is great,

type 100 late is a must, its even on my tankers
type 96 mg hits really well too

Yes factions are equal but, br3 allies will be rolled by br5 Germans and br5 Japan
Br3 soviet’s might have a shot against br5 German/axis

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