Improving Berlin

Personally, I see at least two problems here. The map is too straightforward. And killing enemies on the train (that is, at the point) does not give the bonus 15 points. Well, bots also behave quite crookedly, although it used to be worse.

Really excited, Berlin used to be one of my most hated campaigns due to map issues like you mentioned. So glad to see.


Come on guys, don’t want to delete the gamemode. I like the gamemode. I always wanted a train mission. :slight_smile:
Unfortunately, there are unfinished things, as mentioned in previous posts. When I summarize the most necessary changes.

  • XP for escorting the train.
  • Add moving gray zone to avoid spawncamp.
  • Prevent dead bodies and objects from falling through the train.
  • Allow to call artillery from inside the train.
  • Improve AI boarding to the train.
  • Fix blinking train icon when you inside the train.

I hope you add these changes are much needed.

Another train improvement could be as described by Valkay.


Oh my God, my prayers have been answered :slight_smile: Thank you so much.

And could you make one more change at the chancellery please.

At point A there is a hole in the wall through which it is possible to attack the point from the south side. (green arrow)
Add the room marked (red) in the picture so that point C has the same option.
(yellow) rough sketch new section, that the devs will add.


a berlin without any german/nazi/wehrmacht flags anywhere would be really really silly, im not a professional on a place ive never been obviously, i also didnt live 80 years ago when this shit was happening, i dont know what stalingrad looks like but when i can hear the russian on the loudspeaker and im seeing ussr stuff everywhere i can atleast tell im somewhere important in russia, if you take away the only identifier for me to be able to tell im in the “german place” people like me who dont know what berlin looks like, will not be able to tell

would be really immersion breaking for there to not be any flags up at all

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Meanwhile completely fake and censured flags aren’t immersion breaking.

Fun fact, this already censored flags will be censored for the second time with harmonization mode on, lmao.
Double censorship, a truly new meta.


Easy artillery kills.

Artillery does nothing to people inside the buildings, both of the buildings allow you to build rally points from which you can drop down inside
And last time I checked you cannot drop two artilleries at the same time - so you are still not achieving anything but clearing one building as the other one refills

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It should be understood that in many countries, unfortunately, the swastika is banned by law. That’s why the developers censor it.

Such a compromise could be if it were possible to turn off censorship individually in the settings. If it could be done this way. I would also like to turn it off.

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You are aciting like I want them to to add swastikas. No, I do understand that’s not possible atm and that’s why I proposed removel of those flags.

It’s way better to not have any flags if they’re censured. It doesn’t look good and it does not represent the historical aspect.
It is just Immersive breaking and it looks silly.


That would make the train so AWESOME. Especially small gun ports. For now, it’s mostly “hide inside and wait for explosions or peek out and get mowed down”.


i mean didnt the soviet use armor train too? that could be cool i think


Rubble is good though. I’m sick of these open flat maps where ppl just get bombed or tank exploded trying to cross a road.

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Oh, and could you finally make something about the indestructible roadblocks?

Make them possible to flatten with a tank, for example? That topic got a big support back when I first talked about it: Reworking old locations - #47 by VivaldiX96


yea these tractor are a nightmare especially when 2 of them are near each other

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This seems like a good reason to protect those buildings at all cost

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Off topic, is it possible to fix the issue in regards to making rallypoints in the upper left or far left portion of map inaccessible, due to the fact your squad load outs are blocking that part of the map. Ive had this issue in multiple maps I’ve played. Also Berlin changes were well needed thankyou


No. And no.

Oh, dont forget. NO!

Im curious what difference it could possibly make to you or anyone else? If you are that sensative, why are you playing a ww 2 game in the first place?


These generators and the flak 88s have been destroyable for a while now

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