Improving Berlin

noo need to block dead ends, those are fun and add interesting gameplay

I got so excited but this literally fixes zero of the issues I had with Berlin

-Seelow being shit
-Train being shit
-Rubble Piles everywhere


Sounds like you guys think it’s perfectly fine first Wilhelmstrasse point has TWO buildings basically inside the capzone, where defenders can build rally points on broken rooftops and just drop down indefinitely, with little risk of being blocked. Even if you clear out one side of the road and parkour up the roof to kill the rally, the other building get’s refilled from top down by the time you are done.
Those 2 buildings provide 100% coverage of the capzone, plus the amazing coverage by heavy tanks
It’s one of the most frustrating maps I’ve experienced so far

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agreed with Berlin one. Middle of a Bridge is NOT a strategic point of defense. the bridge is a strategic objective as it’s own. but putting defenders on top of a bridge is just asking for to die.
makes more sense with it infront of, as if defenders have a beachhead and holding out against attacking Soviets, gives attackers more viable routes of attack, and also defenders more a position of start. just better over all


regarding rally points they need to be more restricted in general, way further from objectives and less often be able to be built, I’d rather see Engineers can put up rally points at alternative fixed places on Maps, instead of this idiotic place rally points in dumb idiots places like attics and hidden under stairs and other dumb shit. they need to be overhauled completly, cause they are frustrating, basically the team who is best at puttin the rally points strategically close to caps and hidden usually wins and have clear advantage. game should not be about placing rally points.
and goddamn so many times have to ignore objective and kills, because HAVE to find and take out that idiotic rally points that’s been hidden somewhere in this 4 story building hidden in a broken attic only reachable by climbing.
or when idiots place them so AI can’t get out, single handedly making all team loose since all AI are stuck.
Rally points annd how to place em need to be changed. I say few select alternative points on Maps that engineers can set up.

then the Berlin Train, it woould help jsut as start that train always stop at each station for 1 min regardless to slow down pace and give a more maangeable rhythm of match.
maybe obstacles that in trains path that need to be blown up, just like that mode where we blow points up. Something to spice upp and make it more interesting gameplay.
cause I agree, this just running alongside the train for 5 mins is boring as hell and sometimes complete waste of gameplay time, should be firefights taking place, not running matches

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yeah paratroopes should not be able to land on roofs. a mechanic that makes them when over a building game blows them away to land next to it, as if you know, wind take them outta course slightly

Les Wrecks please…like most Maps in Enlisted Berlin Maps have too much Wrecks on the Streets…
Half of them would me enough.
We make our own Wrecks! :wink:


Absolutely not. Streets based on actual Streets you know, don’t mess with that.
ANd absolutely no need to widen for tank manuevering, it’s battle of berling in Urban landscape, it’s supposed to be shit fro tanks un Urban environment, just as is IRL

then it wouldnt be shitty assault mode… if it is only one cp per district it could actually be good.

just a shame y see that map every day 20 times in the evening… it gets very boring playing german soldier br5.


Yay. More “improvements” to existing maps consisting of gently rotating an object in the editor or moving a piece of trash one pixel over, that do nothing to alter game flow but exist purely to pad out changelogs.

Thanks DF. This could’ve been done in an hour by someone with minimal experience with the editor. How exactly does this take so long and require an entire devblog to hype up?

If you REALLY want to fix the game, there’s so many things you could do:
-Tier rebalancing (God knows theres still a lot to do here)
-Make Custom Matches useful. Actual XP earned, or able to complete FOMO events, to start.
-Weapon rebalancing (again, there’s plenty to do here too)
-Completely redesign existing maps to fit new gameplay mechanics such as paratroopers and rally point APCs, which did not exist when the maps were first created.

But no no, take weeks to remove 5 bricks from a window, whatever makes you look busy when the bosses walk by I guess.


I would have no clue i was in berlin without those flags, removing them would remove any identity the map has


Doesn’t make any sense. I guess, in your world, what defines ww2 berlin are some inaccurate immersion breaking flags. Okay.

In that case, it doesn’t matter, since you know nothing about Berlin. When you can’t even tell it’s Berlin. And these maps are made up of a lot of iconic buildings. Which is what the censored flags are pointlessly drawing attention away from.


Even if that’s not what’s happening, that is what it feels like :confused:

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How about you fix the issue Stalingrad shares with Berlin, which is generally speaking both terrible overall map design AND the fact that AI´s to this day cannot handle high windows (meaning higher than Normandy) and as such tend to run across streets through few doors and holes in the walls, resulting in essentially losing entire squad before you even get to combat.

Stalingrad is about ten times worse, but both campaings share this issue.

Its the most jarring when i look at Pacific and Ardennes that have decisively the best maps in this game up to date.

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sooo they are going to fix bypods and make they work properly on windows and perhaps an update with AI?


Hi Keofox,

The player can stand around the spawn area of enemies’ tanks and easily kill them,
Dev needs to quickly limit the area or some people will keep destroying it.

You only have to play this mode to see the sheer number of bugs


It is trash that must be discarded.

(I choose to keep my feedback as simple as possible).

I didn’t ask for the map to be changed
All I want is to simply widen the combat area
Urban warfare is an ideal terrain that provides tanks with roundabouts and side attacks.
Tank battles shouldn’t just be on a straight street, this isn’t a bridge