Improving Berlin

Building spawn points is a pain in the ass because of the trains no-zone.
The map itself is terrible. Half of the time you can spawncamp spawns because they are a easily attackable barn or house. Same applies to tank spawns.
AI struggles to get into the train.

Personal note but its also stupid that bodies still drop from the train.


And no objective attack/defend kills in and around the train, even though the train itself is considered as an objective.


well will see how these change gonna affect rally position and what not since i do get berlin a lot

votes over the last year place this mode as the least liked on a regular basis. the core mechanic doesnt create fun/balanced battles and rallies dont work with the moving greyzone.

solution → the werbig map itself is one of the best in the game, just the train mode sucks. use the map to create some great forest fights by removing the train and expanding the forest area with some hills, caves, etc. to make it a normal invasion map.
basically a mix of ruins of vaux and hürtgen forest with the german forest/architecture setting.


Placing rally points is basically pure frustration since objective is constantly moving when attackers make just slight progress.
Very often its leads to the scenario in which nobody bothers to place them. So the whole game mode is basically just running simulator. And if you get finally to the train, there’s very high chance you’ll die by explosion. Because there’s just small part of the train in which you can hide.

There’s just so many negatives in comparison to positives. Train mode can become frustrating very easily.

The concept of moving objective just isn’t good atm. And I have no idea how to make it less frustrating.


it would be more fun if the train didnt just go straight in one direction and defenders had to prepare for attacks coming the flanks as well due to turns that are always random at the rail junctions.
Players should get score for being on the train and getting kills around the train.
The map desperately needs grey zone.
Soldiers should be able to move across the entire train without getting off and there should be hatches leading to the top.
Its boring that the train is made up of copy pasted assets, make each train car unique with small rooms with cover for intense CQC combat. Closable view ports which both players and AI should be able to shoot through and MGs looking out side.


Changes such as these are always welcomed, thank you.

@Keofox Now what about BR changes please? Axis have no low tier paras at all, this forces a lot of people to play BR4 /5 to counter.

Bug fixes, I hope that means invisi planes, lmgs, backpack stretchy, Stuka tail gunners. The hard part if seem for you is reintroduction of old bugs which really spoils immersion.

Keep up good work :+1:


do you know what would be big improvement to the game?
removing train escort and assault game modes, while nerfing chance of conquest to the ground.


i want upperfloors on the reich chancellery to be accesible :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


Please, please, please fix the bug where the Anzio, Cassino, and Sicily maps haven’t been created yet.


Reichstag when?


I like Assault but for now only one cp per district is more than enough. Current “attackers” cant handle two cps.

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Yes When Official Battle of Reichstag!


Reichstag, Flaktower and Tempelhof Airport for Berlin

Grain Elevator, Mamaev Kurgan, Pavlov’s House and Grudinin Mill for Stalingrad

Also removing BR 4-5 from Stalingrad


The improvements to Berlin sound good but I was honestly hoping to hear they fixed the numerous unfinished locations that paratroopers can drop on or into. One example of this is the American Embassy, paratroopers that land on it walk on an invisible roof while being able to look several floors down into the building.


When will the queue system be changed, as far as more weapon BR’s being changed (especially vulkssturm guns outside Berlin) and Stalingrad being taken out of tier 5?


Paratroopers ruined most of the game’s flow.


what about Anhalter Station ?
i loved that mission in sniper elite 1 :slightly_smiling_face:

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So glad you acknowledged this, I was already used to this battle being impossible to win every time because all the soldiers were funneled through the gate right into the open field, making the B point unreachable

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The Berlin map was not planned for the paratroopers class, the roofs of the buildings were originally supposed to be inaccessible. Can you please adjust these buildings to the new standards? The roofs of buildings such as the American Embassy or the Reich Chancellery are just invisible surfaces or other incomplete physical models.