Improving Berlin

Lol, I didn’t even notice. I have so much respect for them already, I always avoid them. What update did the change come with?


Really? I tried running them over and shooting them with ap and it didn’t get destroyed at all

Is it an artillery only thing?

Double checked, generators are indeed destructible

the wreck disappeared a few seconds after
tho the base of flak 88s still doesn’t disappear


Hmm ok when I play soviet today I’m going to try it again

I fear not Tiger 2 or IS 2, but the mighty generators and cobblestones of Berlin – they have taught me to never challenge their greatness.

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ok, then I got you wrong, I’m all for widen the combat area to have more viable routes of attack!

Well, the base of the Flak is still a nasty obstacle, I was driving over it yesterday with the event APC and it dragged my tracks turning me over 90 degrees to the side until I finally could roll off from it’s grip. And it blocks even a Tiger II. My suggestion is: after pushing it with a tank, it should separate where I am aiming on this screenshot:

After the conical part breaks off, it would be possible to drive over it. Also, maybe there is a way to tweak the friction factor or something else so that the vehicle isn’t dragged and turned around by just one of the flat legs - it should just roll over instead.
But I very much appreciate that the generator and the AA searchlight have been fixed.


We could let them disapear quick as dead Bodys, when destroyed.

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After reading the discussion here I got an idea that could solve it.

If the real flag was damaged differently in several variants, but always the damage would remove different parts of the swastika. The damage could be from fire, bullets or tearing.

This would bypass to need to censor flag with another symbol.


That’s very good solution.

i just found out they do have a better and a little close almost accurate in the game already but didnt use it

sorry for the quality it the only way i can play without stuttering for 10 minute and i look it up the real propaganda poster would have used the real flag so this one was definitely modified

Problems with the armored train game mode

  1. If you want to win, you have to push or defend the train, but you can’t even get points if you’re inside the train.
  2. You cannot build a rally because the place to build a rally keeps changing. Therefore, most of people’s time is spent traveling.
  3. The most efficient way to maneuver a tank is to move on railroad tracks to prevent enemy trains from entering. Therefore, people who try to defend or attack the train die miserably.
  4. The train is not suitable for staying or using as a combat base. In long corridors, a squad can easily be killed by a single enemy assault trooper.
  5. Because of the railroad tracks, entering the train requires entering an open space with no cover. Therefore, only snipers have an advantage.
  6. Therefore, the only people who have fun on this map are those who hide and sniper, those who ride tanks, and those who ride armored trains. The rest get poor scores and rewards, spend most of their time running, and are given points to enemy tanks.

Older Wolfensteins had special german version which was censured iirc.

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Stay on topic

I think that it’s bad that the armored doors are all open permanently. It would be great if there was the option to open/close these doors and do it with the left and right parts of the door separately.

Also, some usable gun ports that allow us to defend the train looking to the front would be nice. They are even modeled, just not usable.


Next time you are playing train escort choose engi and take the jeep at the start, go behind enemy lines( a lot behind) and place a rally. Then go to the spawn of the enemy tanks and build an at cannon behind it.
Have fun

It is common to have rallies and troops on the top floor - which is wrecked and open.

and some parts of the floor below that are also open to artillery hits, as is anyone at a window on any floor.