Economic changes implemented

how do you roll back account?

Cope and seethe harder as you continue to keep bitching on little issues while having a massive benefits that is on your plate that is best surprise gift ever :joy:

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A bit pretentious here, eh?

Feeling all special… :neutral_face:

That update is great. Good for newcomers. They listened to us. Only positive here.

I’ll have fun playing once I return from the woods.


And Publisher is Russian.

i cleaned up my whole inventory, took like an hour to do


FFS @Suicideplume get over it, I’m in your same exact situation since I was going to sell a large amount of unused soldiers (in the several dozens) before the update went live, yet I was literally the first one here to find out it was too late.

NO BIG DEAL, I lost a chance for roughly 30% higher income, but THAT’S IT.

If you (we) had THAT MANY unused soldiers yet to sell, that means that silver WASN’T A PROBLEM to begin with.


Only for those who played for 2-3 years and took several opportunities to profit from economy reworks.

That’s what I said.

Of course silver can be a problem. But if one can afford to have an entire army in reserve, that’s surely not the case.

Well. Tbf I also own(ed) a lot of soldiers but mostly because of old orders which had more squads in total and soldiers being cheap(er) compared to post-merge economy (and that you could not use silver orders for anything else).

I hope we’ll get option to convert spare exps to silvers.

I am huge pathological spender and I would love to spend every resource I have.

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Gaijin is no longer Russian

When selling excess soldiers (only managed to sort USSR and Germany :smiling_face_with_tear:) I was also faced with the dilemma of selling tier 1-2 soldiers that had pre-merge perks, and most of them were circumventing the 6 basic perks rile, utilizing their full potential.

Also I couldn’t pull the trigger on a couple of tier 1 legends who carried me through early Moscow and Berlin in 2021 – I remembered their names and couldn’t dare to sell them.


nice man i got my M26 pz4 and russian truck

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Very nice. This might be the best update post-merge so far, with the American gun sight fix in a close second.


Didn’t they wrote we would eventually? :thinking:

I hate boxes but voluntarily conversion is something quite appealing to me! Hopefully (real) soon.


It’s possible.

It’s just me being lazy, classic.


New Eco changes have been fantastic. Even losses (when played on any team queue) make significant amounts of silver and weapons/soldiers are actually affordable. Pretty much every Enlisted community save I’m in has had mostly positive things to say about this.

Keep cooking like this. This is what players like to see.


I guess the BRs need to be displayed here?


Instead of some having “BR I”, “BR”, just “B” and nothing at all?

Also, didn’t pistols have stars/power levels?

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E.g. like this level 1 assaulter chad

Or like this legend who Gotthard


Gaijin hasnt been russian for a while. Its assets are in Hungary and a its devs are in EU, armenia and uae.