Coming Soon: Economy Changes

Look I’m just tired of the complaints, and the solution to those complaints is slowing down, not speeding up

Still waiting to get Gaijined.

Selling my excess soldiers now, expect to see Darkflow go “sike, we changed our mind, now soldiers cost 50k each”.

On a more serious note, I am struggling to sell excess Allied soldiers because I don’t ever want to sell a random British gentleman, they are impossible to obtain now.

Can we get some indication whether a soldier is UK or US?

Maybe their standard uniform could be appropriate when in reserve (not all US)?

Or maybe we could see a little flag next to their name (UK/US)?

The only way I see now is to make an Excel spreadsheet with all the names and test them all in practice, listening to their accent :smiling_face_with_tear:


Think about how many money you could made by just adding a SS lather jacket( obv without symbols) and locking it behind gold.
Instead of asking 60$ for premium squad.

Well, very good indication are knives. Of course only if you haven’t swapped them for something else.

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US has only 4 % of world population.

Gents, looks like the changes are live now.


Wow! :sunglasses: thanks for letting us know. :+1:

(I was going to sell a mass of unused soldiers and found out I was late.)


I’m so glad I did it yesterday. Can you share the updated selling prices?

Wow that was fast

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A 5 star tier IV soldier now sells at 7700 silver (used to sell at something above 10k). While a 2 star one is worth 7100.

Edit: it’s impressive since it’s almost the whole purchase cost.

Full star tier III at 4860

Tier II at 1430

Tier 1 at 570

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So ±800 per reroll, that’s not bad at all.

well, it’s on, fast and furious, for better and for worse it’s done, i think it will be good for the game and deffinately for new players, realistically in 1 week ish you should have br 2 basic lineups for every nation, hopefully the playerbase will grow, fingers crossed.

good job devs/CM - for working with the playerbase overall (at least in the end)


well i dont have data for rest of the world, but this could be easily translated to EU or any country with high income.

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This was it in a nutshell. DF had to address the fact that Steam brought a lot of new players, and the grind and economy was absolute shit for new players.

Considering how much cheaper the lower tiers are now, it’s obvious this change was geared to help new players get integrated into the game as a whole and even out the early grind so they’d not be “noobs” forever compared to Vets.

Thus all the fear (from a few people) about noobs making it to BR5 super fast is a little ridiculous since it will still take them a lot of time since the T3 and T4 prices weren’t dropped as much.

I started in May of 2024. I just think you’re wildly underestimating the grind.

I mean, I look at people talking about “perfect soldiers” and I’m like…WTF is that?? It costs me a fortune to just equip my T2 and T3 soldiers with mines and upgraded weapons and all the rest.

And I’m one of the “whales” everyone talks about. But I also decided that, as it was, I wasn’t going to spend more money - it was just WAY too expensive to spend THAT much money on a game that’s still in beta.

Also, one way we CAN see about the grind is on the reviews on Steam. I haven’t read every one, but I distinctly remember reading “GRIND” in descriptions of negative reviews repeatedly.

Now, I can actually look realistically at playing other factions in the low tiers and take advantage of the “play any faction” button which will have a downstream effect of helping the AI issues (b/c less bots) and the MM issues (b/c incentive to play other factions regardless of meme).

These changes are REALLY good for this game.

Yeah, let’s hope that’s true. I was just sharing my doubts about the excessive amount of resources that a fairly large group of veterans have. And the possibility that a much larger mass of people could reach such a state easily.
I was stating my thoughts on what it could potentially lead to.

That’s fair. I think what it really gets down to is how hard it is at this point of the game’s life for DF/Gaijin to manage the game for long-time veterans vs new players.

And, I may be crazy on this one but where their big money will be will likely be with new players - IF they can get it right.

(Some) Veterans often have more research and silver than they will ever need, so there’s little incentive for them to buy the battle pass. There’s no need to buy silver. There’s no need to pay for advanced/increased research.

New players need ALL of that stuff. And as others have mentioned, new players means that some of those will spend money in a game they enjoy. Eventually the new players will be veterans and get to later stages of the game.

And hopefully, the veterans get the rewards of more players, more interesting matches and, in fact, the influx of money into the game by having less of a barrier to entry (massive grind) means more “new stuff” for everyone, including veteran players.

And hey, they may have cool loot boxes. :slight_smile:

Well, that’s it. I don’t want end game progress to look like you’re just gonna keep opening loot boxes to hoard rare past event rewards and potentially completely exclusive stuff for those boxes.

Hopefully there will be some more meaningful and consistent way how to spend those resources.

Maybe squads of different nationalities in already present factions (new factions are nonsense, maybe with exception of factions that could ally more than one legacy faction to balance MM). Maybe allow you to research mirror british squad as equivalent to each american squad, etc.

Let’s see…

What the? This doesn’t seem very gaijin? This seems practically Human…how odd.