Coming Soon: Economy Changes

i agree, and good thing you mention it, and not BITCH ABOUT IT like some idiotic twitter user with no life, like yeah, we get it, we dont have x which is good, BUT WE NOW FIXED A BIGGER PROBLEM, Y, WE FRICKING FIXED Y, AND YOU’RE STILL BITCHING ABOUT X?? why do you only FOCUS on the bad stuff??, what about oh yknow, THE BEST CHANGE IN ENLISTED FOR THE LAST HALF A YEAR!!, yeah no joke, economy change is objectively THE BEST CHANGE in enlisted in the last 6 months or more!

Called it


Its one of the best changes in the lifetime of Enlisted, Im really glad they listened to the community feedback and not just push out their own thing.

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ok ill send you money and you send me stuff. OK?

why? i got everything i need

Thank you developers for listening to the community we appreciate it, even if at times it may not seem that way :heart_decoration:


So I see the perk lottery is here to stay. How about implementing a guaranteed optimal soldier roll on the 10th try, like in some gacha games that have some minimal mercy over the player’s coins?
In the current state of pure randomness, a few times I got lucky and rolled a perfect soldier around the 5th-10th time, but on many occasions I wasted over 30k on rerolling one engineer. And the cost is virtually unlimited, you could theoretically just get unlucky and roll a 100 or 200 times without success, depleting your silver completely.

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Compensate us for the loss in silver and research


If you guys are actually employees it’s quite unprofessional to talk to customers like that, not to mention hostile to humans to knowingly push an Update that invalidates peoples investment. I have seen others in your staff threatening wipes… i am sure your game is gonna be a smash hit with that kinda attitude towards you customers

few days ago i bought 10 engineers and 5 of them were perfect…

mods are just volunteers that try to keep forum clean.

Gamble for perfect perks and names should stay as it is. And there should never be option to bypass these two things.

It’s like a hunt for Pokemon. And you’ll end up extremely happy once you manages to catch a perfectly rolled soldier with funny name.

For example, yesterday I managed to roll perfect soldier with name “Reggie Miracle”.
It made my day.

I don’t want to lose these moments just because I’ll be able to bypass the rolling features in some way. Plus perfectly rolled perks aren’t even essential. For majority of time you can pick those most important perks with basically any soldier. There’s only few exceptions.

BTW. I even rolled night stalker with perfect stats :PP

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To the people of Darkflow Software, thank you for these changes!


Can you provide some information about the veteran box?
Specific date or approximate content

Specific date is Soon™ and approximate content is past event rewards.