Coming Soon: Economy Changes

You’ve said that grind = pay to skip = good.
I don’t see how this matches with my statement. Unless I got the wrong quote.

Is not, you should open a new profile and try the pure free to play experience.

Imagine if they actually try to get money with cosmetic :astonished: :smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :smirk: and not with 60$ premium squad :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

That totally changes the context again. Because that implies it would only affect a certain percentage of people. Not everyone to the point it would be the decisive factor why they does or doesn’t play the game.
And then one can speculate whether it’s beneficial to introduce something like that for the game as whole. Or if it’s beneficial only for specific part of its playeebase.
Because as I said at the very beginning, the biggest impact would be on those who don’t financially support the game. :slight_smile:

And then you can compare it again with the negatives I already mentioned.

And here we go again, we are right on the start of the discussion. Just because you have manipulatively said THIS IS the reason for slow playerbase.
I even typed in capslock back then to be completely sure you really mean it.

So I really don’t believe you this:

You are being dishonest. And thus I have no reason to debate with you any further. You are twisting context of what you have said to your liking.

Literally anyone can go back and read it again. Whatever.

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Bro is too far gone, even devs are wrong according to him.
Armchair experts live in world of their own

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your whole point is:
game needs to have heavy grind otherwise people wont spend money in it.

while that is blatantly false statement. people with disposable income will spend money in their favorite game whether on premium time/BP or on some interesting premium squad.
f2p players with no disposable income wont spend money no matter how heavy the grind is.


No shit. You can’t satisfy everyone.

But are necesarry for the game’s life.
In buisness there is a thing where company must spend resources on things that don’t provide income but allow existance of other things that do provide income. Simple example is maintnance or quality control.

Don’t take care of f2p → have small playerbase → less ppl want to spend monney on a “dead game”

And my answer to your caps was:

So I don’t know what to tell you.
You tell me to go back and read but you don’t do it yourself.

I guess I should have written “complain about”. I don’t know if it makes this statement any clearer.

I would never play (the game I like) just f2p .

Why would I deliberately waste my time with the tedious aspects of a game that I can greatly impact by financially supporting something I like and spend a lot of time with.

Grind in f2p games should never be tailored to the preferences of f2p players. If it’s one aspect of monetization of that game.
Otherwise, it probably needs to be replaced with another aspect of monetization.
And that is the very point what I presented at the beginning of this now very pointless discussion.

Bro this is so stoopid that the definition of f2p is laughing at you

Then why you give your opinion on free to play stuff or economy changes if you don’t know nothing about the free to play experience? You have your view as whale with 6 gorillion slot and premium squad, is kinda biased.
The core of an f2p game should be the f2p experience, income will come with it. You can watch at all succesfull f2p game for it.


It’s obvious you haven’t read what I have said.

Because it potentially does impact me as well, just in different way.

Discussion got to much derailed and ended in a personal argument, there is no reason in keeping the same thing all over again, you can simply agree to disagree, the staff would take in account everyone opinion as always, said this I ask you to stop further derail the topic


I can’t believe the fact that the one dude that always responds to each response racking up most spam in each thread is always first to like the post of mods stepping in calling derailment out, the audacity lol.

Please delete this response, i don’t even care, please give us mute option so i don’t have to see that again or something

Yeah there’s some of us who play around all BR’s. Thing is, Low Tier and High Tier are two entirely different beasts. I drop down to BR II to have some relaxed games every so often myself. High Tier…High Tier takes skill and resilience cause dang is it painful sometimes. Lol

No. BR III is magical

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I would like DF to run a test and create a nice and appealing premium squad and putting it at 15$
I bet that will bring more money compared to the normal and even the para squad at 60$

Another important thing:
This game and your company always had a greed and proibitive grind and now Enlisted ads don’t even run anymore on youtube…
You should launch new ads where you promote this changes, like you know… to make pp change idea.

Look I’m just tired of the complaints, and the solution to those complaints is slowing down, not speeding up

Still waiting to get Gaijined.

Selling my excess soldiers now, expect to see Darkflow go “sike, we changed our mind, now soldiers cost 50k each”.

On a more serious note, I am struggling to sell excess Allied soldiers because I don’t ever want to sell a random British gentleman, they are impossible to obtain now.

Can we get some indication whether a soldier is UK or US?

Maybe their standard uniform could be appropriate when in reserve (not all US)?

Or maybe we could see a little flag next to their name (UK/US)?

The only way I see now is to make an Excel spreadsheet with all the names and test them all in practice, listening to their accent :smiling_face_with_tear:


Think about how many money you could made by just adding a SS lather jacket( obv without symbols) and locking it behind gold.
Instead of asking 60$ for premium squad.