Coming Soon: Economy Changes

I’m inclined to believe that, since loot boxes have already been confirmed to be coming, they are planned to become the other big currency sink, thus “balancing” the faster progression and lower prices.


It 100% is one of the reasons. I don’t know why it’s so hard to comprehend that ppl don’t like to waste their monney and time.
It may not be the main reason, but imo it’s still important.

When I say things, it’s speculation with some manipulation.
When you say things, it’s just an enlightened opinion.

Yes, grind does have an impact on the population. Ppl don’t like to waste their time and monney so if they hear about big grind, they will avoid it. Unless the game has something very very apealing.

You may argue that popular opinion on grind being too big is some kind of a weird agenda of bad ppl and it’s all false. But I’d say it’s speculation with no evidence what so ever.


Okay, so where’s your evidence for such statement? Show me.

Proof that ppl don’t want to waste their time and monney?
Like, look around? Should I give you a link to an article about studies on human behaviour or what?

…seriously, Adam?


Okay, I am not going to pretend like I expected something more legitimate from you.

This discussion is waste of time.

What is your proof? Show me the evidence that pointless discussions are a waste of time.


You just proved that at least 1 person doesn’t like wasting time.


I haven’t used growth of playerbase as an argument. You did.
And all you can do to back it up is tell me to look around, lol.

I could think of tens of potential reasons for slow growth of playerbase.

I’m not rich, but i wouldn’t have difficulty in buying premium and maybe 2-3 gold squad. Want to know why I never done it before? The company is to greed.
Para premium cost 50$? Lmao, i will never buy even if i can, I value my money.
If instead of 50 it would cost like 10-15$ i would already buy like 5-6 of them.
Just for saying.

Stop being manipulative.
I clearly said that grind is ONE OF the reasons. And you behave like I said it’s the only one.

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Yes, that’s why you had always option pay to skip it.

I expect @VoyoMayPL to finally start spending money on enlisted to support his view.

Otherwise the thing I am saying whole time is true.


Now, what to do next?
Decrease grind for leveling up squad.
Decrease price of rolling up perks.
Decrease price of premium squad.
Increase the slot for free to play player by one.
All this changes will bring you more money( IMO).


No, you started saying right afterwards. Right after you have realized you are saying complete nonsense that you can’t validate in any way xD

Literally anyone can go back and read it again.

Actually I’ve already unlocked everything I care about.
But I think I’ll buy slots on a discount.

Also I don’t see how me not spending monney proves that grind is good. I’d say the contrary as not only it didn’t make me pay but also I almost quit.

Well, then read the first things I have stated in this discussion.

Yeah, because I thought it’s obvious it’s just one of the reasons.
I’m not some kind of idiot who thinks the game is already perfect and has exactly one issue.

To my surprise, it wasn’t obvious.

You are talking like Enlisted is an hard game to master lol
Is literally very simple, you find clusess player bc is free to play and there a re a lot of 8y playing.

maybe you will trust this guy…


From my own experience, I’ve invited 2 friends of mine to try Enlisted after H&G shutdown, we were having fun playing for several months before they tried a one-week purchase of premium account. After it expired, they couldn’t go back to play this game because of the vast difference in grinding experience, it’s too much that they considered it not worth their time playing without premium and not sticking around anymore. So yeah, too much grinding is a big factor in this case, which leads to new players disinterested in the game too early and less willing to invest more in other aspects of the game in the long run.

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