Coming Soon: Economy Changes

Let’s make it cheap for guys who are not financially supporting the game in significant amount (if at all).

And let’s introduce rng progress for people who does support the game financially.

Yeah, thanks a lot.

Lets not pretend the devs were so grateful in terms of free TT stuff in old order.
Before they started to release one weapon per content update, they may released 1-3 weapons per side per campaign but in most cases it was the same gun and even the same tank or plane from other campaigns. Maybe it used different shells but that was it.
Even the release of new campaign usually had like three to five actual new weapons and the rest were MP40 and the TOZ.



They have never just dropped a major update out of nowhere. There are always dev blogs leading up to the update for weeks.

Lets keep the grind so playerbase stays low. Because reasons

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Argument based on premise that this is THE THING that’s going to drastically increase playerbase. Or that grind was the reason the playerbase didn’t grow at a faster rate.

Okay, lol. I’m not sure if you really believe that or if you’re just biased. And that’s why you’re using an argument that may or may not be true. And there is literally no way how to verify its validity.

Most Enlisted reviews I saw complain about grind. So yes, I believe decreasing it will increase the population. By how much? Hard to tell.
Of course it’s not the only thing ppl complain.


you act like people only blaims grind for driving people away.

but that’s not their point.

grind is ONE of MANY reasons of why some players might not decide to stick around.

which arguably, it is not the only one or the main one ( it could be for a lot of people ).
however, it is an incentive for them to stay or invest more of their time into it.


82% of US gamers made an in-game purchase in freemium titles in 2023; Survey also found that 62% of adults aged over 18 engaged in gaming

survey was taken on ~5000 people iirc.

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Biased, as there was quite heavy agenda across the playerbase to reduce grind. And there’s quite high chance majority of those reviews were written by people who are already playing the game on daily bases.

It literally means nothing in terms of whether it will make the community grow faster.
It’s all just incredible speculation pushed by people who are behind a particular agenda that favors their own selfish benefits.

No, I do not act so. That’s why I literally think his argument is not legitimate.

Thank you for granting the bonus to “join any team”. This is most important and should be done immediately.


guys, CMs, devs, hear me out:

-every first 1000 kills with a weapon, any weapon, including on premium squads and gold order weapons gets you a lootbox. → incentivise playing with all the weapons, since now it’s definately feasable with the new costs

-make it able to make any weapon “premium weapon” or something of the sort, cost like idk 500 gold, gives the soldier using it 20% exp. - it does not detract from other players, gives monetization from more… “passionate” players

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It would also be a nice way how currently grinding players could have access to veteran boxes. Pretty good suggestion.

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So ppl who complain about grind are some kind of manipulants but you are the one who sees the truth. Did I get it right?

Predicting future is always speculation.


could make it like “weapon mastery I and II” - weapon mastery I - get 1k kills then II be able to make the weapon “gold” and get the exp bonus, and in the kill feed messages give it a special icon so that whales can feel a tingling sensation while using it

tell me xp earnings of average enlisted player. tell me how many battles per day average enlisted player plays. then tell me how long will that player need to grind one faction based on average xp earnings and on average battles per day.

unless you are talking about minority of players that play 4+ battles per day and have majority of factions fully grinded that already have no incentive to buy premium cause you can grind one or two extra weapons in a week or two max as f2p.

currently game has big barrier to entry cause of relatively long grind that is repelling lots of players that would actually be premium players. you reduce that barrier, you get more players and you get more people actually buying stuff.

people who have extra disposable income will spend money on premium account or on some interesting squads.
f2p players will stay f2p no matter what the grind is.

also if you lower barrier to entry for players, you will get more people actually buying stuff ingame:

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No, I think it’s manipulative to say that grind is behind the slow growth of the playerbase. And my point is that believing that reducing it will lead to significantly faster playerbase growth is false, that’s all.

And I think reducing the grind too much can be potentially very unhealthy for the game at long run. It’s all just opinion, and I’m not saying I’m 100% right.

The thing is, you were literally using slow playerbase growth as argument. I’ve never done that, you did. And I think it’s manipulative. Because it is impossible to validate such argument.

Can you just for once just state your opinion without resorting to calling everything manipulative please


Totally unrelated stats. Extremely influenced by non-players who turn the game once and then never again.

Relevant stats would only relate to the core playerbase, which you are unable to reliably tell me. Because you’re unable to cherry pick players who play the game consistently, from the occasional ones who basically have no real value to the game at all.

But keep sharing completely misleading statistics for the sake of your arguments, lol.