Coming Soon: Economy Changes

we’ll see where the catch will be laying to.

Why are you talking about cake when most player can’t even afford bread?

I certainly wouldn’t call it a “catch”, I’d rather call it the consequence of the thoughtless actions of people who genuinely don’t know what they truly want.

because you might end up having basic stuff but be forced to pay or be active to compete to have for example, paratroopers.

( or get stug Gs / half decent japanese tanks behind events or premiums )

which no players can obtain beside the premium version and / or wait to get through events or an hypothetical box.

not much a cake to speak of if the ingredients are spoiled
or rather, the cake it self it’s missing because of missing ingredients.

but. its just a back-thought.

if you say so.

I don’t think you understand what I said. The event/premium stuff itself is cake. Basic stuff is bread.
Why would player worry about event/premium squad when you can’t even fill your normal squad.

it is, still a problem in the long term.

but, earlier to say.

and, after all, i’m not against these changes.

Why would developers waste resources on making new TT stuff when everyone will have plenty of excess resources. Thanks to which there is literally no icentive to pay for grind reduction.
Thus absolutely zero profitability from making f2p things for TTs.

That’s what you get for being dishonest about not having enough resources to even equip squad. Which is truly ridiculous statement.

Reducing the grind is literally a reduction of the least aggressive monetization, which is based on a simple and fair concept: either pay with your time or pay with your money.
(Of course with exception to only monetize appearance/skins and so… But enlisted never had ambition to be this kind of the f2p game)

You get indirect profit.
Whiles provide profit, f2p provides players.
More profit and more players = more good.

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Why would whales need f2p players in game filled with bots? Most of them aren’t even better than regular bot.

I see a multiplayer game with next to no players, I don’t spend monney in it. Simple as.
Even if I don’t know the game. It’s simply a bad PR to have low playerbase.


Believe it or not, there are whales that like to play game and not just play glorified PvE

Also what a self-report lol


Exactly my thought theres plenty of weapons for Germany & USSR left to be added and those arent even all just the major ones

Soviet: 29K, T-44 T-44-100 IS-3 Su-122 ISU-152, KV-1E T-34E ,Tu-2S, BM-31-12 |||
Germany: SdKfz-222,Flakpanzer IV

Okay, lol.

f2p players (not casuals, I am speaking of f2p players who are playing the game on consistent bases) will definitely not get bored with the decreasing amount of newly addded grind-based content. Because there won’t be any need whatsoever to even pay for a premium account to get all the grind based content in the game.

And instead we’ll be forced stuffing our excessive resources into some lootboxes, to which pretty surely completely exclusive stuff is going to be added over time.

But I assume that’s what those people lobbying for “better economic” wanted.

When the merge was first announced they said that there would be equipment selector for ha enjoyers in custom games. We are still waiting for it

Previous plan (from 19 July) - about 50 % more silver.

Current plan - about 100 % more silver + 40 % faster progression

Player unlocks Armaguerra - he needs to spend silver.
Player unlocks Gewehr 41 - he needs to spend silver.
Player unlocks Gewehr 43 - he needs to spend silver.

One way or another there is still not enough silver for a player.

If the current strategy would be sucessfull on one edge, they would not change it.
But it was not. Despite certain superior individuals’ claims, the game mostly sucks/ the economy and grinding being too bad or the game lacking good points to counter the disadvantage the grind is for (new) players.


There is already not much TT content added. Like 4-6 items per month or something like that.

And if devs decide to cut f2p content, it will have the same effect as bad grind. So chose your poison, alternatively don’t be too gready but that’s for loosers.


Add Skimpy Bunny Suit for female soldiers at price tag of 70 Euro. Game saved.


That’s exactly what I am talking about, on other hand we already know that so called “veteran boxes” are planned.

I hope I am not right. But as I see it, we are currently killing the grind for the sake of pure rng based “progress”.

I am just waiting for a day when exclusive content is going to be introduced for those veteran boxes.

Well, it’s already meh so at least make it cheap.
Also I’d say it’s easier to ask for a new TT gun than for an economy change.

We will see I guess. In the worst case mob will rise again to demand changes.