New economic update is way too good

With the greatly reduced research xps, and the unchanged battle xps,i’d say for newcomers this update is just as game changing as the merge. But for top tier players, they might be quite jealous.


Honestly I’m very happy for all the new and or casual players that’ve had the grind lessened. I hope that with the lower barrier of entry to progress in the early game will help the player retention


I’m done with all TTs and i’m glad that they have made grind lighter and economy better. You had to spend millions of silver to get BR2/3/5 lineup now it’s really cheap around BR2-3 and only BR5 gear requires grind…

It’s not like us Veterans doesn’t have a lot of old stuff we have unlocked in the past, new players can’t play with MP717(r) or Soviet Thompson or countless gold order weapons or event squads.

So no worries i want new blood at BR3-5, too many new clueless people play at BR5 with only a single good weapon/tank while the rest of their gear is just basic bitch boltie and they get destroyed give me more better equipped people, playing against same vets also gets boring.


I never cared. I just want more human players.


I’ll be seeing you soon on the battlefield, soldier!




Unfortunately, im not gonna grind USA anymore.

It’s given me the opposite incentive. I finally played (badly) on the Japanese side with my wildly underequipped force. (It was a BR1-2 match).

I hope to get all my lower tiers to a point that I can join any lower tier match randomly for the bonus, which I imagine was much of the intention of the recent changes - to get more players playing more factions which will help round out (but not completely fix) matchmaking.

I am not jealous.

But I am very disappointed there’s no option to convert spare exps to silvers.


didnt they say they will implement it or something in the post?

i might have misremember due to “someone” being pushy about “something” but not when merge was first added (you know who you are if you read this)


Spare XP Veteran box discount soon™


I don’t know, the post was way too long for me… :stuck_out_tongue: All I know it is not in game rn. And that’s what makes me sad. (Not literally ofc).

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well for newer players these changes are godsend and i feel its aimed more on them then us veterans, for us others vet boxes will hopefully be worth it

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Jim Carrey Good GIFs | Tenor

Is that you?( The second on the enemy team)

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Yes indeed that is in fact myself on the enemy team. Small world haha

Nope … not jealous … actually happy … improving NPE means more people stay … more people staying means more people to play with.

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