Economic changes implemented

You deliberately ignore the facts of the timeline development, deny the time when the economic reforms came into effect, refuse to read the time when the effective announcement was released, refuse to read the time when I protested, refuse to think, only deny others. This is you, the vested interests.1

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Thats just a weird ass argument.
EU law applies to this game whether you are an american, chinese or whatever.
EU law also is the primary law that applies to the game, the law that the devs have to follow.

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its quite a good update, all of my own clan guys likes this as well considering they are also newer players who started couple weeks ago, well done move darkflow


now thats wht i call speed, im happy you did it so fast i thought its gonna take you two weeks


Team balance has been greatly improved, but there is a phenomenon that is ruining a good situation.

  • Full-stack teams have been raging for some time. To begin with, I question the current system where 40% of the team is made up of seasoned players with one goal in mind.
  • I feel that the number of players deserting their teams has increased more than before. Now that team balance is better than before, I feel it is not a bad idea to take measures to reduce these princess-like sensitive players.

The person has no idea how user service law is or how it works. Then again different places different rules and laws some where companies can wrong their users and get away with it.

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Something that now need to change is the squad lvl up XP requirement
They should be changed to be on per with the new squads.


This is an argument between me and this guy. Him bringing up “EU law” is irrelevant to me, and thus a bad argument. Again, it would be like me bringing up Alabama penal code as an argument. It wouldn’t mean a dang thing to him

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It really doesnt matter whether its relevant or not to you. You are not the game, not the devs or publisher.


Who cares.


No no - I am just broadly speaking, he didn’t pay for a free to play aspect of the game - so obviously being able to sell for silver with the old prices has nothing to with any service. He’s not in the right obviously.

What? Are the devs even located inside the EU?

Yes, Darkflow is Latvian company and Gaijin is Hungarian.

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skill issue, stop coping
you had time to ask about the incoming update, but not time to simply sell some soldier :joy:


There’s no indication for extra silver from the “join any side” end game screen.

No need to think, selling inventory soldiers is fast.
But that’s the job of ordinary players. Not me.
I need to calculate and determine the number of soldiers, weapons, and props that need to be kept in the future. I also need to work hard to inform other people in my community of this news.
For example, I need to keep 8 full-level rank 1 assault soldiers, some special professional soldiers with full 3 attributes,
In some legions, I need to buy new level 1 soldiers to replace the existing rank 2~4 soldiers.
In addition, I need to check the weapons and equipment of each soldier in nearly 100 legions of each camp, take out some props, and then sell them.
Cleaning up the Japanese camp: It took me half an hour
Cleaning up the British and American camps: It took me 3 hours
Cleaning up the Soviet camp, I spent 1 hour, and the new mechanism took effect.
And it is estimated that I will need 6~8 hours to complete the cleanup of the Soviet Union, Germany and Italy.
And this is a weekday! Not a weekend.

For example, how long would it take you to remove the bayonets from 500 soldiers? I think this simple process would take enough time for an average player to complete the cleanup of all 4 camps,himself.
But it might just be one of the steps I need to do.

so not enough time yep

Let’s face it, they did this on purpose so we can’t exploit the loop hole.


you could’ve done this for several months?
Why didn’t you do it?

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W Update: just got my KE7 and Jumbo 76



You don’t convert all your wealth into coins and paper money and put it in your pocket. Many times, you keep excess wealth in the form of precious metals, jewelry, bonds, stocks, futures, real estate and land, and then store its ownership in banks and safe deposit boxes and warehouses.
You will only withdraw and exchange it when you need it.
Unless the person’s wealth is small enough.
The dragon will not exchange all the treasures it collects for gold coins.