Economic changes implemented

Okay, I’m jumping in here to remind you not to derail the topic, and to keep the conversation civil and respectful.



You’re embarrassing yourself

Silver/XP with Join any army bonus.


Yo please post those witch match time included next time, makes it easier to compare. Short match ain’t long match.

Good idea


Nice, thanks.

The battle hero awards really make short battles stand out more now, they still are bad for boosters but maybe better silver/hour without boosters, even slightly outperforimng the join any army bonus.

I hope killing enemies around friendly tanks can also earn an additional 15 points, which is what we need most.


The reason why you can change the price at will when the customer buys is that the customer can arbitrarily and unconditionally refund the full amount for a long period of time. At most, a simple reason is needed.
Here, please show me DF’s full refund for virtual property.
As for virtual property, after the promulgation of RUFADAA in the United States, there are many judgments on virtual property in games that can be cited.

What virtual “property”?

We own literally nothing.


Adamnpee for the win pulling out the Terms and Services


Thank you, DF! :heart:

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Also can you guys add officer uniforms. I wanna make my guys look like a General :joy:

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Some suggestions for the preferred look of your soldiers. :slight_smile:

(Btw she’s Carol A. Mutter, first female lieutenant general in the U.S., nothing bad about her achievements, just I wondered how a general would look like among the enlisted cannon fodders we have.)

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I wanted to give this “join-any-faction” a real chance. So I played a couple of games last night.
Here’s more data if anyone interested: BR II/all servers


The silver you get for Battle Awards is surprisingly welcomed. They really give value to the shorter battles.


So join any team really does look good if I have time I might try it myself.

It been like a month since I last play jap bet the button gonna put me there (or German but I like German)

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I am once again asking for squad progression revamp.

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Well we might not own our accounts - but shouldn’t we “own” the rights to receive the services we pay for?

Legally speaking we don’t own stuff, but if we pay for a service, we are still legally in the right or not?

He is definitely not legally in the right.

I don’t know why you’re trying to twist the context to the point where it basically makes no sense at all.

Its pissing him off that he didn’t managed to sell things fast enough (at a higher value than they are now being bought for).
He just failed to take advantage of a necessary hole in the system during the change in the economy.
But it’s definitely not his legal right to take advantage of something like that. He just missed the opportunity, that’s all.


yea instead of spending his time complaining he could have literally login and start selling making dosh but no he had to made essay long post weird tbh

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Why do you only look at the peel of the apple, but not think about the flesh, core, seeds, fruit trees, soil, weather, and region?
Don’t you see the inappropriate threats and jokes? Don’t you see the ridicule of the vested interests? Don’t you see that some people are reminded to complete the liquidation late at night? Don’t you see the working day? Don’t you see less than 24 hours? Don’t you see that the advance inquiries are not answered and responded to?
Don’t you see the emergence of the new silver coin tumor?

I only see that you get 1000k silver coins and then subjectively ignore all the details.
Even ignore the fact that I support the new economic reform and only protest the implementation process, and the fact that the silver coin loss caused by this process is only 1/21 of my loss.
You are only superficial: this person complains, so he is against and obstructs the new economic reform, and is a sinner who wants to invalidate the benefits you have obtained.

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