Economic changes implemented


Any more news we can expected to see this week?


That was one of the “soon” I have ever seen.

you are not get a new rule notice at Friday 00:00, that one minute before, at Thursday 23:59 there was a limit/cap on the price of gasoline different for foreigners than for locals.
even you were forewarned 20 hours earlier.
this world you get " Economic changes implemented" rule , after its had worked 1hour ago

Before the update I earned 6000 silver per match… now 11 000 :exploding_head:

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man look how fast an update can go live if you folks can prevent people to get free silver - was too busy to log in yesterday and sell my spare troops.

one day - amazing


This is HUGE, thank you devs for listening to the community, we love you despite all the complaints and saltiness on these forums <3


Those who are not busy working and getting all the benefits, are prohibiting those who are not getting all the benefits or not getting any benefits from complaining.1
No one is trying to stopping the new economic reforms except some deliberately misguided fools (who will only repeat what others say and take it out of context).

Damn that fast? I’m glad i sold my reserve yesterday. I kinda forget about British soldiers and sent them into the meatgrinder i hope you will add ability to recruit them (along with Italians).

With “just” 100k i have purchased all vehicles i have been struggling to buy with old economy it’s amazing. And now i have truly finished my research around all nations.

This change made my to change my review from negative to positive so good job. I still have a couple of complains but they are way more minor than the economy/grind.

Most annoying thing in the game are now some squads that require massive grind like Rider squad, price of premium squads, some balance issues with Soviet weapons like bugged PPSh-41 box, bipods that are acting weird around objects like window frames and ofc AI that still need some improvements.


Just stop it lol

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Thank you so much! This is huge, so huge!

calm your tits man lmao


Also thank you! I loved helping my friend after my tank got destroyed


I’m liking this update so far


I ain’t ever heard of a store that tells you when the price of something changes. Shoot, I WORK in a store and we get price changes every week. We walk around and replace the price tags every Sunday. Never tell the customers a dang thing. Matter of fact just today had a customer say that they just called about a part a week or so ago and it was cheaper than the price I had just told them. No, I call bull

You really think you are LEGALLY ENTITLED to a FICTIONAL, DIGITAL CURRENCY for the sole reason that the price changed without you knowing when, but knew that it would change “soon?”

Buddy, seriously, touch grass. I’m worried about you. This kind of stuff…it’s not normal


Again, not relevant to an argument between him and I, an American who bows to no foreign tyrant. If he wants to make logical arguments to me, keep local law out of it

The EU has no power here. Lol

Back after a while (holiday trip), game seems steadily going nowhere, with less and less people around. Sometimes you can find yourself surrounded by only bots, and always playing against stacked teams, cause no one wants to play alone with bots against bots. I don’t know if economy changes are gonna solve something, I don’t see any big amount of new players after the steam release and steam charts shows that there are less people playing the game than people playing fall out guys.

Although I love enlisted, there is no reason to keep holding this candle for much longer. Moving into arena breakout infinite, hit me up if you want to play.

Funny, the steam charts show no signs of a decline. On the contrary, the player base is maintaining fairly consistent numbers.
And it’s been a few weeks since the last big event.

It’s pretty obvious what you’re trying to do here.
You’re a deliberate liar trying to ruin other people’s day.


Captura de pantalla 2024-08-08 094544

Look i don’t care about your accusations, you are another slave champ.

It’s a little more obvious what “you” are trying to do…