Economic changes implemented

I played several rounds with all factions as T5 and all were German.
I had the impression that the Germans at least had a lot of decent players, but not enough players?

The normal sales price is given in its description, you get 5eur discount per vehicle.
Also price precedent exists from same tier vehicles costing the same amount as the individual non discounted vehicle.

I dont see any law being directly broken, more like grey zone activity.

Dude same there must’ve been 40-50k worth of silver just chilling and something made me dump all of em idk what it was.

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it really does make it annoying when they say / respond that something is soon … like soon … do you know you’re all’s track record with “soon”?

I notice this too. Like combat effectiveness wise high tier Germany players tend to have a better ratio yet a worse W/L

Sure there are soft stats that can explain this but I happened to also notice the amount of name type vs gamer tag type player tags is higher towards that end of the spectrum with Axis leading me to believe high tier Germany is an AI fest most games with me and two other dudes pulling all the weight

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Have you ever tried to buy just one of them? I dont think that this is possible.
And then the pack was released with a discount that cant exist as it never was sold for the higher original price in the first place.

Since it wasn’t specified … I had to write these out … this is a HUGE change … just that one line is not enough … this is a massive NPE help! (Note: Still think Type I rifle in Japan needs to move to Tier 2, Slot 3 … like all other faction’s engineer squad unlock - Seriously, why is Japan the only faction to have their engineer in Tier 1, Slot 4).

  • Tier 1, Slot 1: Remains 5,000 XP

  • Tier 1, Slot 2: Remains 20,000 XP

  • Tier 1, Slot 3: 33,000 - 25,000 XP

  • Tier 1, Slot 4: 46,000 - 30,000 XP

  • Tier 2, Slot 1: 60,000 - 32,000 XP

  • Tier 2, Slot 2: 80,000 - 34,000 XP

  • Tier 2, Slot 3: 100,000 - 36,000 XP

  • Tier 2, Slot 4: 120,000 - 38,000 XP

  • Tier 3, Slot 1: 125,000 - 48,000 XP

  • Tier 3, Slot 2: 140,000 - 58,000 XP

  • Tier 3, Slot 3: 160,000 - 74,000 XP

  • Tier 3, Slot 4: 165,000 - 100,000 XP

  • Tier 4, Slot 1: 170,000 - 105,000 XP

  • Tier 4, Slot 2: 171,000 - 110,000 XP

  • Tier 4, Slot 3: 172,000 - 115,000 XP

  • Tier 4, Slot 4: 173,000 - 118,000 XP

  • Tier 5, Slot 1: 174,000 - 120,000 XP

  • Tier 5, Slot 2: 175,000 - 122,000 XP

  • Tier 5, Slot 3: 176,000 - 124,000 XP

  • Tier 5, Slot 4: 180,000 - 126,000 XP


Extra points for killing enemys that are within tnt throwing distance?

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Can we have some wiggle room here please?

Like it’s not my fault if the game sends me with my Tiger 2 and STG-44 to Stalingrad/Rzhev, I will never play that.

Maybe 1 game leave without a punishment at least?


If you think you are in right, sue them, enough with talking.


The “worst weapon version assigned by automatic choice” bug seems to be back


The game chooses basic M1

When I clearly have an upgraded one



womp womp karen


Oh because you were gonna sell shit you needed a heads up?
No refunds


Sounds like a class A lawsuit you are about to launch right?.. To be fair, warning would of been nice. Yes i would of changed how i played


Yeah i get loada of kills with that :slight_smile: pls exta bonus for me

^^, yeah pls also add worst player in team award, id get that one in consistent basis.

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I see rules.more like guidelines, you either choose to follow them.or not.

Why, relevance… haha

Totally off topic, but you’re living in a very different EU country than me.

Here, our government issued a new rule at Thursday 23:59 that one minute later, from Friday 00:00 there will be a limit/cap on the price of gasoline different for foreigners than for locals. And that’s it, either you obey and display two prices or stop selling.

The gas stations were forewarned 12 hours earlier that such changes will happen.

Just played a game with “random nation” enabled, from start to end, won it in second place, and got only research tree exp, but no squads exp, absolutely none, 0. My booster for 1 battle was also not consumed. Wtf, unplayable

You’ll live