Economic changes implemented

Gaijin hasnt been russian for a while. Its assets are in Hungary and a its devs are in EU, armenia and uae.

I want my guy to look like Admiral Rachel Levine


Yup, me too. Extra soldiers, guns, everything i didnt need.

What’s up with the new random weapons order?

Why are my PPSh-41s separated by a few other guns?


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They seem to be separated by upgrade levels :thinking:

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Thanks to this change of economy, I have begun the great hunt for perfectly rolled soldiers yet again (mainly for lineups I do not play very often)

I have to admit that this man is indeed a perfect catch. His name and stats are absolute perfection.


So, are all the players who have been grinding this game since it came out going to get some type of compensation for what they have been grinding for the last number of years?

the amounts change and al of us players that have been grinding this stuff since it has come out just get screwed. Like look at the difference in the amount of XP it is to grind this stuff. Its not in the hundreds of thousands anymore to get a Tier 3 item so where’s the compensation to the players that have had to grind outrageously to get up to rank 4 and 5 ?

and the equipment/vehicles are a quarter of the price??? Wheres some type of SOMETHING back to the all the players that ground out and PAID TOP SL for the stuff?

They Ban you and start make you start a new account :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I have 0 idea why they compensated people at the first merge, but decided this time to rush the update and shaft loyal players. I have faint hope that they are gonna do right by people and pull the database from right before the update and at least compensate SOME of the silver.

I have 1300 battles in the game, and my net worth right now is not much more than a new player with like 600 would have. It is absolutely unacceptable.

The people defending this were the ones who managed to compensate themselves by selling right after the announcement.

Do the right thing Darkflow and just give us some silver, heck even half of the sell value we had before the update would be good enough. I think this update is great, but I don’t think it’s great to take everything people bought and make it worth less than half on a whim. Just last month you were saying something completely different.

The only thing this achieved was that I will never buy silver for gold, knowing that apparently all you have to do is exploit to get millions of them. The entire point is lost on me.

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You get an unlimited discount on all future purchases for silver. Quite nice imo.


Yes and that is quite nice, but you can’t have an MMO and then on a whim 180 the economy with less than a 24 hours warning. It’s insane lol

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Yeah, time between news and update should have been longer.


Yes, you can.
Especially since the economy isn’t about players trading with each other.

You literally only have cheaper stuff now and you’re still toxically spoiled and want more.
Dude, you just don’t have any decency or gratitude.

What are you even talking about? They’ve just returned golds spent for squad slots and vehicle camos, because it wasn’t easy for them to transfer them into the new system. It was a completely different thing. I don’t understand what are you trying to accomplish rn. You can’t even be serious.


Tell me: When you buy a premium squad and then it goes on sale, do you get a refund?

You were compensated for your orders, because they were impossible to transfer over to the new currency system.
This economy update didn’t change the currency, so you don’t get compensated


you know somehow im getting dejavu as if i have seen this before weird

Mate you would be mad too if you didn’t manage to sell before the update.

Besides looking at your profile, you invested no money into this game.

A lot of people are/were.
But 99% just dealt with it and moved on.

You know why? Because we have purchased Stalingrad FA with real money, you haven’t paid them anything to receive your silver you earned them just by playing that’s a big difference. I don’t remember other compensations but the slots.

I think it’s fine you had those weapons way before them and now you can to finish upgrading your armies much cheaper. Also don’t forget about exclusive event/gold order/premiums that got removed due FOMO. My German army is full of them.

I would still end up with over a mil silver even after waiting x days after the correction. Since then i have spent around 280k on troopers and weapons and few vehicles but now i’m not really having any silver sink except occasional weapon or vehicle upgrade that i don’t really need. With new economy i can actually buy gun each match or 2-4 pistols which is a huge difference when compared to old economy.