Development report №1

In this report we will share some of our current plans for improving Enlisted. These improvements are all based on the feedback and suggestions you’ve left for us.


We have already released the first update, in which we added several new Battle Tasks and streamlined their overall mechanics. However, we still have some further improvements planned.

Soon we will improve several current tasks. For example, the task for building fortifications - It will only count fortifications that have been useful in some way to the team (built near the battle areas, used by squadmates etc) and not just built out of battle. This makes it so one player’s task will benefit the entire team!

Let’s add more tasks! We aim to make these tasks more varied overall, we will focus less on tasks that require a certain weapon for example.

We also plan to change tasks so that two identical or similar tasks won’t be active at the same time. In addition, we will also develop a convenient way for you to check your currently active Battle Tasks while in the battle itself.


Besides improving the overall battle performance, shooting, and threat response of your AI squad, we are also improving the command system itself.

So in the future you will be able to set the rules of engagement for your squad:

  • Aggressive — Taking out enemy soldiers is the highest priority. When enemies enter the line of sight of your squad, your soldiers will immediately open fire.
  • Defensive — In battle, your soldiers will try to take cover first and then return fire. This is how they are currently set to behave, and this pattern of behaviour will be standard.
  • Passive — Your soldiers will only engage if they are fired at first. This will be very helpful for those of you that prefer quiet flanking manoeuvres - your soldiers won’t give you away early.

For the long term, we’ll implement the ability to give individual commands to soldiers - for example, to place them at specific points around a defensive position.

Remember that you can already command your squad to move in a wider formation, or to stay next to the commander. The quick commands menu can be activated by pressing Alt for PCs and D-pad up (hold) for consoles.


Currently we are working on improving the soldier’s ability to scale and traverse obstacles on the move. This fix will affect most obstacles including windows and other openings.

We will also make climbing up and down ladders much smoother and faster, and additionally allowing you to jump off at any time by using the Space Bar. We will also remove the option to aim while jumping as well.

Another planned improvement is based on a lot of mixed feedback regarding the mechanics of strafing (moving sideways). The current implementation works in such a way that sideways movement is very slow when compared to forward movement. We originally did this to prevent the possibility of unrealistically dodging incoming fire. We have no concrete plans to change the current system yet, but we are going to experiment with other possible solutions that would increase the comfort of controlling your soldier, while simultaneously minimizing the ability to dodge incoming fire in unrealistic ways.


  • We will expand the viewing angle (FOV) settings.
  • We will turn on by default the ability to move in a crouch by holding a button, rather than just pressing the crouch button once. You will be always able to choose how exactly the crouch button will affect the character’s behavior.
  • We will remove the ability to destroy allied rally points and allow you to build multiple allied points closer to each other. In this case on the map - points that are close to each other will be displayed as one single point and you will respawn randomly at one of them.


We have listed only a few of the most interesting improvements that we plan to implement based on your feedback. We have many more changes in development, stay tuned!

We will continue to collect you comments and feedback on our social media and on the official forum. Play Enlisted and share your ideas with us!


You didn’t mention about the sprinting animation in Movement subject…and as we all know, the current sprinting animation is clunky as hell

Pay attention to this post please especially the part about the extra bronze orders, we need bronze order every 3k xp aswell or at least a few k xp more The Reinforcement system and how to fix it - #26 by 113845534


We will try to describe in these diaries the mechanics that prevent you from playing here and now, much for comfort.

Obviously, in addition to the described improvements, we are working on animations, AI, weapons, missions, new campaigns.


Thank you for taking our feedback and passing it on to the devs keofox!

My favourite Change/add on is increasing the FOV…

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Lovely! Looking forward to it o7

Sounds great!

I’m things are in development but I would prefer if progression (ie equipment and soldier cards) were not restrict entirely to battlepass progress and tasks.
I’ve stated before that a hybrid method would be good. In order to not make it too easy, it could be 5000xp per bronze card and maybe every 20k or 30k xp could be a silver card. This way even if you cannot do a task you can still progress as normal.


I think you should consider little ammo buff for Stuart… Its absolutely imbalanced against Puma. I hit Puma from side 4 times and do nothing speaking about ammo rack.

Another think you yould FIX THAT COCKPIT ON P38!!! Icant aim with that and im not even mention Looking around in plane! You want us to pay for premium… BUT FOR WHAT!

Stances, finally!

@Keofox thanks and great news on the AI commands you truly are listening, what a breath of fresh air! Hoping you have a fix for axis plane cockpit glass too in the works sir! :wink:

Could you maybe add a fourth category:

  • Oblivious – Follows the team leader without stopping to fire even if fired upon. This would be helpful to sprint your squad to a good position or out of harm’s way without them stopping.

Please ensure that the new Squad commands are as streamlined as possible. I don’t wanna be taken out of the experience by my AI squads being cut down immediately if one preset is better than the other. Too much micromanagement is not fun. I’m optimistic and over the fucking moon with the FOV changes, but please make sure these things are thoroughly tested.

Also please make a statement on whether or not a Soldiers rank is tied to AI performance, this needs to be settled and discussed.

I think AI should be smarter when rushing, for example:
-They shouldn’t just stand still while shooting in the open
-They should be able to know when to medkit (if hp is too low)
-AI should try to search for a cover when they got hit, need to medkit, are bleeding out, reloading etc.

  • The movement feels like you float at times, like your character has no weight to it. Especially when you are jumping. Needs a bit of improving.

  • First persona animations need more variaty and improving, because that is what you see 24/7. Right now is very basic.

  • Give us a timer on grenade/dynamite cooking.

  • Grenades remind me of old CS 1.6 where they float when travel/thrown. Very strange mechanic, it feels like you are throwing balloons.

  • Going up or down the stairs( STAIRS, NOT LADDERS) feels like your character “enters the ground” or is bugged. First person camera adjustments and it’s animations need to be looked at. At first, when I went up the stairs, I thought I bugged out and enter half way into the ground.

  • The Engineer’s Rally Point, should auto-destroy when you place a new one instead of being unable to place a new one. Having to go back, destroy the old so you can place a new is a really irritating experience. I see no point in it just making the game harder for no reason.

  • Ammo crate needs a bit of help, it feels very bugged. Sometimes you dont get ammo and it says you are full when I’m 0/0.

  • Airplane noises are a bit too intrusive and that is all you hear the entire game, it gets annoying fast, it needs it’s range where you can hear it, reduced please.

  • You cannot chat or use scoreboard in spawn screen.

  • Reviving teammates consumes your medkit. This just makes me not revive downed teammates and be selfish. It incentivises bad team play. You could give medkits one personal use and two teammates use atleast. Or simply make medkits not be consumed when reviving teammates. Or even add a medic class that has infinite revives on teammates.

  • Reloading M1 Garand for example at 3 ammo left, will save that clip and at some point you gonna load an only 3 ammo clip. Why? Why this mechanic, it is not fun and ruins the game experience. Why punish players when they reaload. It is silly. On last 2 M1 Garand clips you will have like 1 or 3 bullets per clip. Silly.

  • Allow us to level up our guns and soldiers to max level via playing the game XP. Academy should be a bonus not a requirement. You need 81 Rank 1 soldiers to get a level 5 soldier. This is just too much. Absurd. Too agressive on monetization rather than gameplay. You need to be more forgiving. You should reward good players not punish them.

  • The grind could be decreased a bit, remember we have 2 campaigns now, 2 more incoming and for each you have to do multiple factions and squads, even if you buy premium it’s still overwhelming. A bit of help here and there, a bit more forgiving. It is too much at the moment to the point you dont even want to start a different faction or campaign because too much work. Pretty unfair if you do good.

  • Planes and Tanks could use some love. I tried them once but the general handling is so difficult and unresponsive that never used them again. Just not fun to play, to difficult to control. They should be a powerhouse. They could also use some camera buffing give them a bit more visibility, like adjusting camera or even give them ‘swap camera to 3rd person’ option via binding, a-la Battlefield game. Easier to use, opens up the opportunity for more players to use them, rather than just completely getting ignored because they are too much of a hassle to even get to learn.

  • Let us swap weapons while sprinting. Right now if you have your weapon and are sprinting and swap to grenade, the swap will be palced in a queue untill you stop spriting.

  • You could buff the ammo crate to auto refill ammo when you get close to it.

  • Why the 3 levels per day in Battlepass. This is holding me back from buying battle pass. If I pay let me enjoy what I payed for. You guys are losing money. I never seen any other FPS AAA game that has a battlepass and stops you from progressing. Will never buy BP like this. BP right now, tries to dictate when you play the game, you cannot tell people when to play the game, that should be their decision.

  • Allow us at least one re-specialization for the Upgrade tree. I understand that you want meaningful choices. But when you start the game you are a complete noob and don’t fully understand them or the game. For example : For infantry regiment I picked “secondary weapon slot” Because I thought, I will run an SMG and a rifle. I didn’t knew about restrictions or class specific weapons. Now, I regret that because I didnt knew what I was doing. So for the sake of new players and us being stuck with bad choises let us change at least ONCE.
  • Why is it so hard to pick up weapons from the ground? Please this needs severe adjustment to make it easy.
  • Engineers or Gunners (or both) should be able to rebuild statig MG42 gun emplacements when they are destroyed. Like on Normandy beach bunkers.
  • More sandbags wall options for Engineers. Like tall Sandbags or even create circular sandbags to create mini bunkers and let gunners come and place Machine guns.
  • .50 Cal Machine Guns for Allies when? All we see is MG42.

The tutorial needs heavy work:

  • More in-depth tutorials
  • Tutorial for the importance of a rally point. have people build one and make them understand what they help with and teach them how to spawn on one.
  • Explain that some walls like on Normandy beach map, can be breached with dynamte.
  • Artilery tutorial
  • Mortar tutorial.
  • Put a bit of a reward at the end to incentivise to play the tutorial.

Hey, I was wondering if the development team could add in the option to exclude certain game modes when searching for games because conquest (to me at least) is not a fun game mode and I much prefer invasion and assault. I know I can just leave the game if I want to but that doesn’t stop me from getting another conquest map and I don’t know if there are penalties for leaving games early.

Thank you and have a good one

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You also have to fix the P38 sight which is blocked by some graphical mesh → Plane bug on horizon aim

Makes it unplayable really

Also, playing planes is a headache right now because of the graphics settings, even at ultra you can’t see anything on the ground because the viewing distance is too low

Anyway, please NEVER make a 3rd person view for airplanes, NEVER, I know a lot of people will complain about that, but don’t allow that, never

If people want to play planes with 3rd person, they can play War Thunder

  • weapon swapping, all for it, this should be a feature
  • I feel like they did that on purpose, you need to actively refill… automatic is not fitting in the realism or authenticity of the concept. It’s a small thing i get it but just running by and getting automatically filled pockets makes it too arcade … like COD and Battlefield. This game seems to be trying to be as authentic as possible without it being a slow burner like squad or ArmA.
  • While I somewhat agree, I believe 1 of the rules is pacing. check releases of story content and DLC in MMO’s usually a specific group of people is rushing through the new content and then burned out for 4 months because ‘there is nothing new to do’. This kinda behaviour, binging on content is a disaster for games like this, since you will get empty servers at times. and Empty servers shy away customers. So they pace it for you, if you can’t do it yourself, they do it for you. you have to come back regularily, so they have a stable filled server capacity.
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