Defenders suffer (An invasion without balance)

No. Right now you can often only make a comeback in a losing attacker match if you manage to catch two caps relatively quickly.

Anything like that would just make the outcome a forgone conclusion. The biggest problem as usual is that most defending players simply do not give a single shit about the objective and do their own things.


This could be solved by preventing drops with x-meters of an objective.

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Doesn’t work, not without either major rework of maps or custom setting this data for every objective on every single map.
Some maps such as D-Day are very small, have small objectives and you can’t jump very far from the objective either while on maps like Stalingrad you can easily land on top of the building and jog to the objective in mere seconds.


Add in squad selection screens cover most of the area where you want to be spawning,
ie left hand side, on mountain, if spawn is there, you cant select it, Attacking as US.


Join the club. I’ve been trying to say this same thing and advocate for better game mechanics for defenders for a while now.

Just to link a few.

I have another new one I’m working on some details on before I post it, but I can tag you on it if you want.


This, the ability to revert the progress would be amazing. The locking prevents proper blitzkrieg, buit reverting is fair. The only reason they lock on Confrontation is because it would instatnly revert back. Otherwise I think all modes should have a revert way.

I think this is a good solution for the time being.

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This is why I dont cap or defend anymore in unbalanced games.

Actually in Invasion you can revert the objective, it’s just extremely and painfully slow.

I always had the feeling that the players had no influence over it and that it just happens on its own.

The fastest way is to commit suicide as a whole team and regenerate directly.

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Problem spotted.

Don’t attribute to defense what is a fundamental issue in player count.

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Well, let’s make it visible shall we?e

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They already have code on every objective to prevent you building a rally point too close to a cap and it varies depending on the size of the cap, surely they could just give that variable to the paratrooper squads and not allow them to drop/spawn inside that radius just like rallies. As the most frustrating losses i’ve had while defending is when they start or fully cap before i’ve even been able to run back to the cap.

Also i think maybe giving the defenders some extra time on the last objective might be a good compromise as i agree giving the defenders time on every objective would make it a lot harder for the attackers (unless it maps like the reverse D day defence for the allies where all the bunkers and defences are facing towards the defender and most of the entrances are facing towards the attacker)

But ultimately i think it comes down to the mostly poor map design with some maps where the objectives are only 50-100 metres away from the previous one or obviously undefendable. Or a greyzone being too close to the objective allowing them to build rallies and place tanks in completely safe location only 100m or so away from the cap. Sometimes the grey zones will even allow the attacker to place rallies safely on the sides (there’s a pacific map i don’t remember the name of where the 2nd cap is especially bad for this) I think the maps need to be bigger and less cluttered with obstacles for tanks and infantry (like cliffs, rivers, gorges and ridiculously raised railways) That way the grey zones cannot be used to your advantage and you don’t get stuck on every little obstacle when trying to move from cap to cap.

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I predict more crying from the German main. When we capture your point you are to immediately go back and defend another one, what I see the Germans doing is looking for us instead of going back and defending. Since we are not stupid, we do not fight them and bypass them and immediately go to capture the next point. This game doesn’t need any artificial aids for weak players, it just ruins the game. Why don’t the moderators ban this, 70 percent of the forum is just crying.

Because they are the most numerous sandbags in this game
A good game will ensure that players always have sandbags to punch.


Knows a lot for his first post.


Just because I didn’t write doesn’t mean I didn’t read it. This forum is toxic and posts like: the defenders are suffering, Germany is suffering, the Germans don’t have a 100-round machine gun appear here regularly.

The forums are here for people to vent lol. As for hanging around on old caps that happens for every faction when you have a braindead team (which is most of the time) But the issue is when you cannot even run back to the cap before the enemy start capping. This is not the case for every map or objective but there are some that have very little distance between caps with long distance from defenders spawn point.

The game is supposed to be fun, when you feel like the game is actively fighting you it becomes frustrating which i’d like to think the devs don’t want to happen. my biggest gripe is the location of some of the grey zones for defenders. If is to prevent spawn camping why are there grey zones on the flanks that the attackers can use but not the defenders?


Nice, and you sound like a classic fan of certain youtubers.